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How soft is soft supposed to be?

I ordered Valobra Menthol (8$ from west elm shipped with a code!) and when it arrived I took it out of the box and it was rather squishy. Like super squishy. Like liquid. I didn't open the paper that it was wrapped in because I didn't want to make a mess but I'm not exactly sure what to do. I keep my soaps in a box under my bed(nice and cool) so I just threw it in there for now. What should the consistency ideally be like?
That's not how it should be, maybe put it in the fridge overnight to let it cool down and solidify?
Yea, I had some softer soap (CADE cream in the bowl) delivered and it was almost wet and fluid when I opened it. The next day, it was fine, but putting it in the fridge would be a good idea to speed up the process. Shipping can be hot and make some soaps sort of "melt".
I guess my concern was hearing of soaps going bad. I've also ordered other softer soaps this summer(when it was much hotter might I add) and they came out of the box looking just fine.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
One property of a liquid is that is will assume the shape of the container it is placed in, hence mine is not liquid -- soft, yes.
Croaps + heat = liquidy soap (Even hard soaps + heat = liquidy soap, but that requires more heat)... so yeah, chill it down, mix it up and it's good to go. Worst case you lost a big chunk of the scent and possibly some of the menthol (depends how hot it got... some trucks can get around 200F)
I just checked my bricks in the fridge. They are indeed solid. However, when they arrived at my home in Florida, they reminded me of Brie!
I just checked my bricks in the fridge. They are indeed solid. However, when they arrived at my home in Florida, they reminded me of Brie!

My mother grabbed two big wheels of Brie with a combined value of nearly $300 in a grocery store shopping spree that she won as a result of a fundraiser raffle for my daughter's softball team. True story.

I had a fairly hard soap show up in the mail today and was rather "croapy", couple hours in the fridge and back to normal!
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