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How much of the shave is in the strop

I've started out with the filly strop and of course nicked it several times. Yesterday I sanded out the nicks and ended up finishing the entire strop with a 2500 grit sandpaper. For my shave today I noticed that the strop now had much less draw but I also felt that I got a much smoother shave than I usually get. Was today just a good shaving day or would the strop make that much of a difference?

I'm currently looking for a new strop to replace the filly and haven't really decided on what yet. Understanding how the material/finish affects the edge would make it a bit easier :biggrin1:
Their is a ton of different material out on the market today IMO and if you read the strop forums one guy is saying TM latigo is the best, while another guy is say SRD English Bridle, another guy with Filly, another guy with Shell,another guy with Horsehide, etc

They all get the job done if used correctly.

To answer your question...your stropping has probably just gotten better. I would keep using the Filly for a few months until you get really good at stropping. In the meantime, maybe look for some type of linen/cloth
Stropping makes a huge difference. Try shaving without stropping and you will see. As for the draw, I seem to remember a thread a while back on SRP where it was discussed, and what they came to was that it makes little difference. Some people like a lot of draw, and others like the razor to slide smoothly across the strop. The smooth, continuous surface of the stop makes a bigger difference.

I did some unscientific experiments with stropping just for fun. What I found was that without stropping the razor was just a bit harsher than I liked. The leather alone makes it better. The linen makes the edge like new. I even stropped on alternate materials, and found seat belt webbing to be half decent, and newspaper to be pretty good. If I was stropping on only one strop it would be linen. Starting with linen, and finishing on leather gives me a sharp, and smooth edge that is very comfortable.

As for brand, as long as you get one from a reputable seller I think you will be alright. The material, and draw are really personal decisions and bound to be guided by opinion.
Stropping is one of those things that is mandatory if you want a good shave. As far as strops go any quality strop will do the job no matter the critter, size or tanning process. What sets them apart is the fact some are nicer looking and seem more luxurious to use and have other physical qualities. Its one of those things where if you ask, everybody has their favorite strop and maker and will swear it does the best job.
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