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How much are fatboys worth

I was thinking about picking one up to hang with my slant HD, but on ebay they're like 80-220 bucks!!! ***
I would prefer one with the original case, but meh.
What's a reasonable price to pay for one? And can they be as aggressive as a slant? I just think they look damn cool too.
I sold close to mint Fat Boy a couple of months ago with a brand new vintage brush for $45 shipped with insurance, I think it was a bargain.
you could look through BST history for the prices. But on the BST I think they generally (in great condition + original case) $25-45 Ithink thats what I've seen. For not original case and/or not great condition (to look at that is, still fully funktional) I've seen them as low as say $18 maybe. But you got to pounce on them quick!
Ebay prices for fatboys are absolutely absurd! I got a nice user with some dulling of the plating on the handle for about 20.00 a while back on Ebay, but that was after looking and bidding for a while. If you are patient it will come your way. They get sold here frequently for much less than Ebay and you have better chances of getting something nice vs a ***.
Also if you think $20 is to steep you could check out your local antique shop there you could get on for $10 easy!:w00t: $20 in original case.
I always try to keep an eye out at antique shops. Also you may want to try stopping in at flea markets and browsing around. You never know what you will find there but it well generally be cheeper than $80-$200
I was thinking about picking one up to hang with my slant HD, but on ebay they're like 80-220 bucks!!! ***

Don't confuse asking price with sale price. No one is paying $200 for a Fatboy on eBay, unless it is NOS/rare, such as an Executive in its original case.

Compiling data from completed auctions, The average sale price for uncased Fatboys in the past week is $29. Your estimate is well off the mark. If you can live with a slightly less than mint condition Fatboy, they can be had for less than $20, you just have to pick and choose your auctions. I found several that sold for well less than $20 and they were in decent condition, certainly shaveworthy. I bid on one yesterday that finally sold for $14, and it was in pretty decent condition.

Razors with cases sell for a bit more. Forget the case, buying a razor with a case is a great way to pay more than the razor is worth. Leave cased razors to the collectors.
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I see Fat Boys and Slims mixed in all the time in lots of 4 or 5 other razors. They often go for less than $40. Sometimes as many as 6 for that cheap. That's a lot of vintage for not a lot of money. You just have to look.
I see Fat Boys and Slims mixed in all the time in lots of 4 or 5 other razors. They often go for less than $40. Sometimes as many as 6 for that cheap. That's a lot of vintage for not a lot of money. You just have to look.
Absolutely true, and an excellent observation.
A rough condition shaver, 10-15. 25-35 for good to very good condition. Only an extraordinary one with case should go over 50 IMO.
I see Fat Boys and Slims mixed in all the time in lots of 4 or 5 other razors. They often go for less than $40. Sometimes as many as 6 for that cheap. That's a lot of vintage for not a lot of money. You just have to look.
True, my FB came in a set of lots, and it ended up in mint condition. ($20 for the FB with a new and a blue tip, 17.50 for a mint cased slim with a fatboy case)
Plus I bought another in a lot for $20, it was shaver grade though, no black paint on the ring etc, plus it came with a few NEWs and a 40s aristocrat. $20 for 5 razors is pretty good when it includes a fat boy and an aristocrat. Lots are the best way to buy razors. People who sell lots don't really know what they have, razors listed in lots are less likely to be noticed by buyers earching for "fat boy" or "gillette"
That being said, for single fat boys, your best bet is the BST, you can easily get one for under $30, same for red tips. Whatever is flavour of the month is a rip off on ebay. But whatever is not popular (GEMS, NEWs, Techs) can be found dirt cheap on ebay.
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All you need do is go back in time to the late '50s and you can have a brand new one for $1.95!! Okay, okay. So, you'll need to invent a time machine first. Minor details.

But seriously, like everyone says, look around and be patient and you'll find one at an acceptable price. There was a cased Fatboy on the Bay a week or so ago for a BIN in the low $30s if I recall correctly (shipping may have made it silly though). They're out there. Just keep lookin'. You can always post a WTB in the BST. But you'd better do it on the QT without an IOU or you'll be SOL. :biggrin:
My fatboy was with case (the case was not in perfect condition) and cost me approx $36 last month.
True, but it may take you months and visits to dozens of shops until you find one that no other razor fan has ever been to.

+1 Last month I went out of town and hit up a antique store. I found a near mint "Hefty boy" for $7.00. Be patient they are out there! Good luck. :biggrin:
+1 Last month I went out of town and hit up a antique store. I found a near mint "Hefty boy" for $7.00. Be patient they are out there! Good luck. :biggrin:

Then again, I have been to over 100 different shops since last October and have seen two Fatboys. I left both where they were because they were beyond repair. One was in Wilmington, North Carolina and the other was in some small hole in the wall town in southwest Louisiana near Texas.

During my initial foray into DE shaving I bought a few Fatboys on the bay for anywhere from $20-35. I'd say if you are looking for a very good shape razor for shaving purposes this would be a good range to pay.
I got two Fatboys and 4 slims. The slims were in excellent shape, one was even close to mint, all for $35.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I sold my spares when I remembered I only needed one.:rolleyes:

They were in pretty good condition, from memory I think I got around $50 each for them. I wouldn't pay any more than that if I were you.
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