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How many wash new underwear first before wearing them for the first time?

I never really thought about it before today. I always thought "Hey they're new," anyway.

What are your thoughts?



Because of the Health Laws being so strict - and I'm all in favor of that - when it comes to purchasing/returning underwear:

How many of you try on your new underwear over your old underwear, then wash it?

(I know it's true of my e-tailer, once you've washed it, or worn it against your body, they won't accept it as a return.

So, what is your process/strategy?

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they are full of all kinds of chemicals, and everybody's been sneezing on them down the production line. eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


There are only two articles of clothing I will wear right after purchase, without washing. These are pants and socks. Everything else must be washed, as my skin gets very irritated by whatever chemicals clothing is covered with when purchased new.
never really thought about it before.. usually will wear new boxer briefs without washing.. truth be said, 5 mins after they are on, underwear can hardly be considered 'clean' anyways...!
No. I'll wear anything new. Biological agents don't last long when they aren't warm and damp, so everything is safe to wear by the time you get it home. It doesn't hurt to wash, but it isn't necessary.
The only clothing items that don't get washed after purchase in our household are shoes, gloves, belts, jackets and hats. Everything else does.
My grandfather had a texite factory in argentina, i´ve seen clothing made and i´ve seen the factories,

i wash EVERYTHING that goes directly on my skin, socks, underware, undershirts,
Sounds like a hygiene issue. :biggrin1:

I hate to ask, :blush: but:

But for that first wash, how many of you use detergent and Cold water? When I told my Dad my Mom uses Hot Water for everything, (incl. colors,) my Dad famously said: "What's the detergent in there for anyway?" :lol: Since then, I've been using cold water on everything. And that was years ago.

Besides, cotton shrinks.
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I hate to ask, :blush: but:

But for that first wash, how many of you use detergent and Cold water? When I told my Dad my Mom uses Hot Water for everything, (incl. colors,) my Dad famously said: "What's the detergent in there for anyway?" :lol: Since then, I've been using cold water on everything. And that was years ago.

Besides, cotton shrinks.

On my good clothes I use cold/cold and woolite but on my whites I use warm/cold cycle. I line dry good clothes and tumble dry medium everything else.
Always wash new things. Never know where in the world they came from and what might be on them from the factory or packaging. One of my Mom's rules to live by... Also, always wear clean underwear in case of, well anything.
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