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How many shaves per blade and how you track it?

I have about five razors I use on a regular basis. I usually plan on 3 shaves per blade. I'm sure I could probably get a few more. I remove the blade after use, dry it, and coat with pre-shave oil to prevent any possibility of micro rusting that can't be seen with the naked eye. That has seemed to keep the blade sharper longer. Recently, I started putting a little dot on the blade with a permanent marker after each shave so I know how many shaves for each blade. After two dots, I do a final shave with that blade then pitch it.

I was wondering how many shaves you all get out of a blade and how you remember how many shaves you've used a blade for? The marker technique I just started using has worked out well. Do you have a routine to keep track of number of shaves per blade?
I shave every other day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and skip Sunday. A blade gets tossed after three shaves, so it's a fresh blade every Monday.
The marker is a good idea for those of us who rotate multiple razors. I've only got three razors but do rotate them around a bit and was losing track of how many shaves I had on each blade. Any other good ideas out there on how to deal with this?
I keep a shaving diary (hardware/software used, times I've used a blade, quality of shave) which means I tend to know where I am with blades. I have up to 4 razors with blades in at any one time but I usually change a blade after 2 shaves, so it's not hard to keep track.
3 to 4 on my Personna Reds. I like a fresh blade on Saturday (when I have more time to shave and be mindful)...usually change it on Tuesday. Makes it easy to keep track.
four shaves a blade. i snap each blade into two shavettes and use each twice. it's not too difficult to keep track of whether a blade half is on its second shave or is brand new.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I use a DE maybe 3 times a year so I just use the blade once and toss it. But if I didn't have my straights and my daily shave was with a DE, I would probably change the blade on a particular day of the week, or two particular days every week, and only rotate to a different razor on blade change days. That would make keeping track of shaves totally unneccessary.

You could also just change it any time you feel like it is getting dull, especially if you use a multipass shave. That would certainly be less wasteful.
i use a sharpie and put the date (day) on the blade and wax paper. typically use it for 3 days but will continue to use until i think its dulled.
I'm currently experimenting with how often I change my blades. At first I'd go a full week (7 shaves) before changing my blades, but I started noticing the end of the week shaves getting pretty gnarly. So, right now I'm on a 3 shave per blade routine, and I keep track mentally. I'm looking forward to the day that I'm able to tell when a blade is dull, but right now there are too many other variables :)
I get anywhere between 4 and 7 complete 4 pass shaves out of a DE blade

I use a different razor and brand of blade every day, rarely using the same combo more then once every couple of months or more.

since I know I will not be using the same razor for the next day's shave I remove the blade from the razor after each shave, drop it on a towel, fold the corner over and pat the blade dry.

I store my opened blades on paper blade wrappers numbered from 1 to 6 for the number of shaves on the blade resting on each paper.

This system has worked well for me.

Normally I toss my blade after 3 or 4 shaves. Right now I am on about the 8th or 10th shave. I've lost count but I loaded the blade up almost 2 weeks ago (2 days short of two weeks) and it's in my super adjustable. It definitely has lost some sharpness but seems smoother and I do my atg and touch up passes on a setting of 2 and there's no irritation. Not a BBS shave this morning (missed two spots) but no irritation and no nicks and my soap was Williams of all things.
I get five good shaves out of a med prep, I've never tried to push one further. As for keeping track, I keep the blade wrapper on the shelf and make a tear in it after each use.
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