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How many passes?

Ok, here's the deal. I've replied in several threads about my daily routine, and keep getting responses that make me wonder about how many passes we should be doing for that nice smooth shave.

I'm only 50 something shaves into using a straight, and with a 3 pass shave, I still have more stubble behind than I like. So I was reading Chimensch's thread about his video, and found where he did 5 passes: 1 WTG, 1 XTG, 1 ATG, then another XTG and a final ATG. So I tried it. The first time left me with a fair amount of irritation, but I kept at it. It's now my daily routine, even though it takes longer than I'd like. But the result is a really close smooth shave, almost BBS...and I love it.

So I've mentioned this in a couple posts, and get responses ranging from surprise to almost calling me obsessive. So I know YMMV, and I'm sure you'll all say that if it works for me...just do it. But my question is, with proper prep and a sharp edge, should I be getting closer shaves with fewer passes?
Its all about time and modifying your strokes to be the most effective. My revelation came when I tried to get it all off one pass. If you study your stubble after the shave you will see what direction would have removed the stubble. Make sure your blade is good and stripping also. Make sure you are stretching the right way as you may be pulling the stubble down instead of raising it. My neck for example gets 2 passes atg only. Wtg and xtg is useless for me anyway. So I don't bother. I get BBS. with 2 passes and some touchup. It wasn't always so. Took me 3 months to my first bbs shave. It keeps getting better as I have been straights only since October 1. Except a couple de shaves and once a month I will use a shavette. Keep at it. I remember my frustration level 2 months in. Anybody can do it if you keep at it. I almost packed it in several times. Good luck.
I've been wondering the same thing. I see folks post about getting BBS with one or two passes. But even with an
aggressive SE (which is sharper than my straights) I've never gotten BBS with less than three passes. And on the other end you have a very experienced shaver like Chimensch advocating 5 passes. I've been doing three passes and sometimes some touch up and getting close to DFS. I think I'll try the five pass approach for a few days and see what I think. Worse case I get more practice.
I think it depends on the people, and possibly in some cases in the definition of bbs for some. I can get a nice bbs in 3 passes with touchups, and I believe when technique gets better, I may get it without needing to do touchups after the 3 passes. I get very close to bbs with 2 passes (WTG/ATG) but not quite, so I prefer to go for 3. Different people will have different thickness of whiskers... another YMMV?
Try whatever you think will work for you. I get it in 2 and touchup but when I was still experimenting I couldn't get it with 7passes. I use a 30degree slicing stroke which is like a Gillette slide. If you try it be careful, I nicked myself a few times. These things all come in time. I can use the left hand which I couldn't before. Honing, stropping left hand etc all get better. Then one day it all comes together. When I first started using a de it took me 6 passes to get a BBS! Give it time and evaluate what works and don't keep doing what doesn't work. After the shave feel around and mimic the angle that you need to use the next time. I shave in under 15 minutes stropping and all. When I first started it was over 30 minutes.
For the best shave, I prefer three passes, WTG, XTG, ATG. I suppose I could accomplish the same in two but why rush? Part of the appeal is slowing down and doing it well.

50 shaves in, 50 shaves short of what seems to be the magic number - 100 shaves. If I recall correctly, my first year saw routine marked improvement. Much of it stems from learning how to get the best shave.
I have a question for you, how many strokes over the same area are you doing on each pass? I found that with DE shaving, I was going over the same area more than once per "pass" so I tried it with the straight and got incredible results. I can now get DFS to BBS in just two passes, WTG all over, XTG cheeks, ATG neck. So while some folks say they get it done in two passes this is true they just may be like me and going over the same area with 3 or more strokes per pass. I hope this makes sense, and with all things on this forum YMMV.
I usually do 3 passes, WTG, XTG and a mix of XTG/ATG, I get a DFS to BBS every time.

Not the best video as I cut off the top of the head but you get the idea
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I have a question for you, how many strokes over the same area are you doing on each pass? I found that with DE shaving, I was going over the same area more than once per "pass" so I tried it with the straight and got incredible results. I can now get DFS to BBS in just two passes, WTG all over, XTG cheeks, ATG neck. So while some folks say they get it done in two passes this is true they just may be like me and going over the same area with 3 or more strokes per pass. I hope this makes sense, and with all things on this forum YMMV.

I don't know about the number of strokes on one area (buffing?), but one thing I think happens (my hypothesis anyway) which makes straight shaving a bit harder than DE is that when you shave with a straight, the blade is longer than a DE, and more often than not the skin is possibly not perfectly flat, so when you go over an area, the "center portion" of the straight may touch a part of the skin fully while the other possibly isn't having the same full contact.

Anyway its the explanation I made up in my head :-D As I get better I've noticed that I get less and less "forgotten spots".
Depending on how many days since my last shave, the soap I'm using, the edge I'm using, How much time I have, etc. I will do either 2-3 full passes and then anywhere from 0-3 spot touchups in areas where my hair grows at odd angles (sides of my throat, under ears, etc).


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I have a question for you, how many strokes over the same area are you doing on each pass? I found that with DE shaving, I was going over the same area more than once per "pass" so I tried it with the straight and got incredible results. I can now get DFS to BBS in just two passes, WTG all over, XTG cheeks, ATG neck. So while some folks say they get it done in two passes this is true they just may be like me and going over the same area with 3 or more strokes per pass. I hope this makes sense, and with all things on this forum YMMV.

Pretty much describes my straight shave as well.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. 5 does it for me at this stage in my progression, so I guess I'll keep playing and as always, learning...and maybe at some point, I'll be able to accomplish a great shave in 2 to 3 passes. One thing is for sure, I loved the experience of going to a DE after so many years of cartridges...and now I love shaving with a straight even more!
Keep on asking the questions and getting feedback from everyone. Judge what works for you and just keep experimenting. And everybody is different , so know your beard growth and dont be afraid to try something different. And 5 passes may be what you need. Bottom line is if the shave is good by your definition, nothing else matters.
For the best shave, I prefer three passes, WTG, XTG, ATG. I suppose I could accomplish the same in two but why rush? Part of the appeal is slowing down and doing it well.

50 shaves in, 50 shaves short of what seems to be the magic number - 100 shaves. If I recall correctly, my first year saw routine marked improvement. Much of it stems from learning how to get the best shave.

After a while (about 3 months for me), getting a nice shave every day is now the norm.
to me sounds like you're not stretching the skin enough and given the level of my skin stretching ability, I've been very hesitant too jump into straights.
I do 3 passes on my DE razor and do touch ups. I'm a year into wetshaving now and can adjust my razor well and touch up those spots like my upper lip (very carefully and with multiple brush passes and shaves) and have gotten great results

I just scrape my skin till the blade quits giving feedback.
WTG on cheeks, some XTG. WTG under my schnoz. ATG on lower lip and neck.
I am a happy man...
I do one pass usually. Sometimes if I feel like it or if the blade is nearing a touch up I will so a touch up/ semi second pass.
For me is daily BBS or I feel very frustrated...

I do 2 passes above my jaw line, one wtg and one atg. Below the jaw I need 4 passes, wtg, atg, xtg and xtg once more. Sometimes I need a small touch up here and there but if I follow the routine above I get a BBS most of the time.

Of course blade angles and stretching is very important to get the job done and avoid irritation. In case you are curious, it took me 6-7 months to find and tweak this technique that works for me.
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