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How many days of growth?

How many days of growth can you take off with a de razor without cutting your face up? With a cartridge razor i could go 2 weeks with out any trouble never got past the 2 week mark since by then the beard would start bothering me.

Ive put off shaving to let my face heal up and im getting ready to try again but im not sure ill be able to do a good job with a de since its getting a little bushy. Is there a limit or im i just being silly??

You can do two week's worth. No difference in DE and carts in this regard. IN fact, DE should do better because they won't clog like a cart will.
I usually shave daily, but on occasion, I have gone 3 or 4 days. The cart is not a good option for me at this point - it's unpleasant and takes more time. A DE, however, has no problems whatsoever.

A couple of weeks ago, I caught a flu bug. I went 5 days without shaving. To remove this, I pulled out the Micromatic open comb, and the 5 days growth was mowed down quickly and easily, no different than had I been shaving daily.
On the RARE occasions (I just love my morning shave) that I'll go a few days in my case meaning 3 days, out of a habit that I stated when I was using cartridge razors, I will get out my battery powered beard and moustache trimmer, remove the guard and "Shave" the bush with that before finishing with my Black Beauty set to #6. And then all is well.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I shave every day, but after a two week hospital stay I tried to shave it all off with a DE. I don't recommend it.
The most I've ever gone is four days because I just can't stand to be that scruffy. I didn't have any problems with the shave. It was a little hard to lather up that much stubble, though.
Not sure about your question as I have never attempted that.

That being said it would be a great time to map your face.
The most I've ever gone is four days because I just can't stand to be that scruffy. I didn't have any problems with the shave. It was a little hard to lather up that much stubble, though.

After 3-4 days, the scruffy gets to me, too. I don't have lathering issues because of this. Perhaps because I scuttle lather?
I can do a good two pass shave daily. Add a day or two and I tend to go three pass. After a few days I go open comb. Because I can easily shave long hair with an open comb. But I tend to knock it down with clippers to 1/4" before shaving.
I wouldn't say their's a limit with a DE. Just do the passes correctly and do go over the same spot without any lather.
Personally, I only go 1 or 2 days...but once you start wet/DE shaving, you won't be able to stand it to wait any longer :thumbup:. BUT, I have heard of guys shaving off multiple days growth with little to no problems while using an OC (open comb) razor.
Well it was the best shave ive had so far i just got some personna reds didnt cut myself too much just a little razor burn but to be honest i havent learned to slow down yet im still shaving like im using a cart have to learn how to shave all over again


Here I am, 1st again.
Well it was the best shave ive had so far i just got some personna reds didnt cut myself too much just a little razor burn but to be honest i havent learned to slow down yet im still shaving like im using a cart have to learn how to shave all over again

*I've read your words above, and it looks as if you should slow down, even with your typing. *

I've been a daily shaver since I began in earnest, even on the weekends. The longest I've gone is maybe a couple of days when I first started growing my beard about 15 years ago. I just can't stand the growth on my neck; even the scruff on my cheeks bothers me. Whenever I did go without for a day or so it was a real chore with injector or cartridge. Since I've started wet shaving, and don't plan to shave my beard, I'm thinking about trying to let the stubble accumulate for several days just to test out one of my DEs. But then again, maybe not; I look too forward to the morning shave now.
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