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How many cuts to a blade?

This is a new guy question. I didn't notice in the how too's any mention about the usual milage on blades. Can anyone give me a rough guestimate how many shaves I should expect from one blade? I dont know because I'm still wacking nicks into my face with every shave... You know. And I couldn't tell if a blade was dull or not. Thanks guys.
Okay I guess that would make sense. I really mauled my face on the first shave, then again on the second, but on my third shave with a DE, I got the angle and the pressure right and it went well. Then by the 6th shave on my blade I started with bad rash again. So it must be dull. Thanks for the help.
I usually go about 3 or maybe 4 even though some blades can be pushed a bit longer. If you read the reviews in the 'Reviews' section, alot of them mention how many shaves the reviewer manages out of a blade. And your face will usually tell you when it's time to change. :thumbup:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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3 is a good average.

As soon as it pulls is more accurate. Throw it out, don't even finish.
Here is a poll I have running asking just that. Seems the majority so far uses the blades at a set minimum that the user sets.

Thanks guys. I scoped that link and I see what you mean. I am still cutting myself up so its hard to tell, and I'm only using these really crappy Gillette blades that I found at the grocery.
Thanks guys. I scoped that link and I see what you mean. I am still cutting myself up so its hard to tell, and I'm only using these really crappy Gillette blades that I found at the grocery.

On the red and black cardboard? Throw them out! Go to Dollar General or Family Dollar and buy a pack; they're not the greatest, but they are by far better than the 10 for $10 Gillettes.

Of course, better still would be to try a sampler pack from one of the various sellers, but these will take a few days to get to you.
Hey now there's a thought. I kept seeing these sampler PIFs, and it didn't occur to me that they were for sale somewhere. Duh... Are they in the vendor's corner?

gone down south

Hey now there's a thought. I kept seeing these sampler PIFs, and it didn't occur to me that they were for sale somewhere. Duh... Are they in the vendor's corner?

Check westcoastshaving.com, they pretty much created the sampler concept for blades and have a bunch of different pricepoints.

I made a joke in a thread once along the lines of "put a fresh blade in today, then change it every time someone starts a thread asking how many shaves you can expect from a blade." I tracked it for a few weeks and it actually worked - about every 4th day there was a new thread, cracked me right up :)
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Check westcoastshaving.com, they pretty much created the sampler concept for blades and have a bunch of different pricepoints.

I made a joke in a thread once along the lines of "put a fresh blade in today, then change it every time someone starts a thread asking how many shaves you can expect from a blade." I tracked it for a few weeks and it actually worked - about every 4th day there was a new thread, cracked me right up :)

Must be a good question to ask then... I'll go ahead and check out that site. Thanks for teh tip.
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