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I'm getting ready to order a silver tip badger knot to use in a handle that I am making myself.
This will be my first badger and I am wondering how big a knot I should probably get. Some of them seem to spray out pretty tall and wide.
Any guidance will be most appreciated


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for a 1st badger, i'd go 24mm. some like 20, some like 28, some even small or bigger.

24 is a good starting point if you ask me, set at about 50.

many use the 2 - 1 rule, so a 24mm would be set at 48 etc.
I'm getting ready to order a silver tip badger knot to use in a handle that I am making myself.
This will be my first badger and I am wondering how big a knot I should probably get. Some of them seem to spray out pretty tall and wide.
Any guidance will be most appreciated

Where are you ordering the knot from? Are you face or bowl lathering? I agree with Brucered, 22-24mm is a great starting point. I would err on the side of setting the knot a little lower than setting it too high. My silvertip knots from TGN are very soft and have good density but have a tendency to get floppy if set too high. 48mm sounds really great and I would not exceed 50mm. Just my opinion.
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for a 1st badger, i'd go 24mm. some like 20, some like 28, some even small or bigger.

24 is a good starting point if you ask me, set at about 50.

many use the 2 - 1 rule, so a 24mm would be set at 48 etc.

I'd agree with this. 24 is the tipping point for me. 23 is optimal, 24 feels just a little too large and anything bigger than that just feels comical.
I've been using a boar hair cheapie brush for the mean time and have been face lathering .
Planning on getting a silver tip knot from golden nib
I agree with the others here- 22/24 is a good place to start. Please test the loft before you epoxy the knot into your handle- Silvertip knots can become floppy if they are given too much loft.
I agree with 'em all. 24 in bulb or 22 in fan. You may even want to get a finest 2-band. They're generally the most agreed-upon knot on this forum...
for a 1st badger, i'd go 24mm. some like 20, some like 28, some even small or bigger.

24 is a good starting point if you ask me, set at about 50.

many use the 2 - 1 rule, so a 24mm would be set at 48 etc.

+ 1 Great advice from Bruce. Most of my brushes are set at these measurements and they are fantastic face-latherers.
If you face lather its a no brainier get a 24mm TGN Finest and set it between 48~54mm loft. The Silvertip is a touch skritchy IMO and not that impressive, but the STA is nice, soft and dense, though your giving up some backbone to the Finest. The Super Silvertip is incredibly soft, but it lacks the backbone your most likely looking for to face lather.

I wrote a thread about testing out lofts for new knots, so you get the feel you are looking for. I hope it might be of some small assistance to you!
When you talk about setting the loft are you referring to how deep you set the knot into the hole ?
I'm a little new at this
Also what does the acronym TGN refer to ?

Loft is how far the knot rises above the handle. However, the loft can be manipulated by how much you put below the top of the handle (and into the knot bed).

TGN refers to The Golden Nib.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Go with the Finest or Grade A silvertip. I would pass on the standard silvertip, or best. Who am I kidding, just go with the XH Finest, it really is a great knot!
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