I find that I prefer a 2:1 ratio of gin to vermouth. How about you?
One thing I never understood was this machismo idea of using as little vermouth as possible, it is in a martini for a reason! Also, the dry part of a dry martini is from using dry vermouth (as opposed to original recipes using sweet vermouth), it isn't to do with the ratio.
Honestly, I never understood the notion that adjusting what amounts to a half- or third-measure of vermouth makes enough of a difference in the alcoholic strength of a drink to for anyone to care. Surely it can make a considerable difference in taste, but that's a personal preference issue and ought to have nothing to do with machismo.
I make mine 3:1, but I will try it at 2:1 next time seeing as a couple of people have now recommended that ratio.
I use Plymouth gin with Noilly Prat vermouth. I haven't tried a huge range of gins or vermouths but I really like these two, Plymouth gin is a bit smoother than the London styles so this may explain my higher ratio.
One thing I never understood was this machismo idea of using as little vermouth as possible, it is in a martini for a reason! Also, the dry part of a dry martini is from using dry vermouth (as opposed to original recipes using sweet vermouth), it isn't to do with the ratio.
I also stir mine, of course.
And, as the OP is aware, Martinis are made with gin. It's not just any concoction that's served in a Martini glass.
I tried my best to like the martini but no matter what I just cannot enjoy the experience of basically just drinking straight gin with a little vermouth which knocks the alcohol content down to maybe 35%.