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How do you judge how close your shave was?

Simple ONE Finger, rub we’re beard was, it I hear & or feel like 300 grit sandpaper .

I am good, never want to shave super close.

Don’t like feeling the pain of too close a shave, or irritation of skin.
I use to aim for a BBS all over result when I started SR shaving. After a few months of daily shaving I was achieving my aim. The problem was that 24 hours later I had little or nothing to shave. I was still basically BBS.

I solved my problem by dropping out the ATG pass (except the upper lip) and replaced it with a second XTG in the opposite direction to the first. This left a very faint roughness felt ATG after the shave but none of my girlfriends complained.

As for "measuring" closeness of shave, I do that by feel at about 12 hours and 24 hours after the shave. This is done in all three directions; ATG, XTG and WTG.


When doing a second XTG in the opposite direction, is that considered a pass?

WTG, XTG (Both ways), ATG.
Is this a 3 or 4 pass shave?
I use my fingers to rub the areas of my face and head that are the most challenging to shave. That is how I judge closeness. If those areas are smoother than usual, that will determine how close to BBS, I am.

I do chase BBS. When chasing BBS, I use the same amount of passes. I do the same touch ups. I cross my fingers. I may apply a little more pressure than usual. I may go over the challenging areas a little more than usual. The Alum Block tells me whether it was worth it or not.

Note: Someone mentioned earlier, the closer to BBS, one may have to skip a day shaving. I shave daily. This means weighing the pros and cons of chasing BBS. Was is worth it?
If I get greedy, I am going to get irritation.

As such, I do a two pass shave. I go for a DFS every day and hope to luck into BBS.

Statistically, my cheapest razors ($1-5) are usually the best razors for my skin. I have found that brushes are worth spending money on, but razors are not.

The improvement in my skin, since starting wet shaving, has more than paid for what I have spent.
I quit chasing bbs quite some time ago. I always had irritated red skin until I went two passes wtg and a bit of touch up. I shave every other day and even though it’s not bbs, my face is much smoother than shaving with an electric razor.
I've found that moisturized skin after shaving, (after applying a lotion or balm,) can feel real smooth and give the illusion of a close, effective shave. If I wash the moisturizer off later in the day, and if I rub my skin I can really tell if I've missed spots or it really wasn't as close of a shave as I thought. Let's face it though, the whiskers are always growing back starting from the time you shaved them off. (You're in trouble when they stop. :biggrin1:)

For me how it feels the next day is a real consistent test as to how well I did the day before, though.
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