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How do you clean your razor?

Hey Everone, Just wondering how everyone out there cleans their razor, and how often? Any tips and tricks would be interesting to hear. I wipe mine with a tissue and warm water, sometimes its tough to get into all the little nooks and crannies but i can usually get it looking brand new.
Also Im interested in getting a gold plated razor but im worried this will strip it right off. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I just rinse mine in the basin, remove the blade and store it separately. I use one of my towels to dry the razor parts (for 2 and 3 piece) and all around a TTO.

When I notice any soap build up (white powdery stuff) I take a soft tooth brush and clean it off, then dry the razor on a towel and put it away.

As far as gold razors. Most have a coating over the gold that protects it. If you get a new razor in gold it should last you many years before you notice it starting to deteriorate. If you like gold razors don't worry about it, just get one and enjoy it.
I just thoroughly wipe mine with a towel when they start to cloud up. There's really no need for anything more unless they have a lot of grime accumulated.
Honestly, I don't do much... usually just rinsing it off well in really hot water, then blowing the water off. If it's a TTO, I'll open the doors to do that. If it's a three piece, I'll just loosen the head and do the same. That said, I rotate so many razors, I really haven't notice any soap buildup. At some point though, that's going to happen, and like Turtle mention, I'll probably just clean them up with a toothbrush... with maybe a little tooth paste or scrubbing bubbles as required.
A lot depends on the type of water you have. What ever you do to keep your sink faucet shiny should work for your razor.
The water in Chicago is really hard, and the soap scum builds up quickly. I use dish soap and a soft-bristled toothbrush to give my razor a quick cleaning every other blade change. If I want it to really shine, I use a microfiber cloth to dry and polish it.



"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
I loosen the mechanism, running hot water through it. I don't remove the blade unless its time to throw it away, just loose enough for the water to rinse away the smutz. I then dip it in 91% Isopropyl alcohol to disperse any water and let air dry. I use scrubbing bubbles for really dirty razors, but that is infrequent except for newly acquired vintage razors.
I take blade out and most the time discard. I hold the razor under very hot water to loosen up the glue from the blade, if there is any, then wipe the wax away with bathroom tissue. Then a dip in alcohol and put up to dry. If it;s a 2 or 3 piece razor I take it apart when drying. Once every 6 months, all razors get a communal bath in scrubbing bubbles, rinsed well in fresh water then dipped in alcohol and let dry in the open before storage.
I have a spray bottle filled with alcohol that i use to displace h2o on the razor if I'm not changing the blade. The intent is to get the blad to "dry" ASAP. When changing blades, I clean where needed with a brush.
I rinse well and towl dry with a soft cotton cloth after each shave. Once I month or so I'll give them a Barbicide soak which really gives it a good cleaning without the need to scrub. Barbicide also has anti corrosive proprieties, so I've got that going for me :001_cool:
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I just rinse my after I'm finished using it and try it off with a towel. The blade might last longer if I took it out and dried it each time...but I don't. I've had no problem with soap build up but if it should build up I'll do something different.
I keep a soft toothbrush and bar of glycerin soap handy; rinse the blade and razor after each shave to keep them clean.
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