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How do YOU do it? Clean your DE Razor that is!

I have a small ultrasonic cleaner, but never thought of using it for a razor. With diluted Dawn, it should be fine for any metallic surface:

. . . Is it safe for anodized aluminum (on my RR Lupo Al) ?

Thanks --

. Charles
I have a pretty decent ultra sonic that features a heating feature. Everything I have put through it has been fine, but, the black handle super speed and super 84 adjustable both leaked white crud no matter how many times I ran them. My take on this is not to use heat on black handled Gillettes.
Those who Google shall find -- from:

Are There Specific Types Of Aluminum That Are More Susceptible To Damage In An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Yes, certain types of aluminum are more susceptible to damage. This includes:

  • Aluminum alloys with high copper content: These alloys tend to be more susceptible to corrosive attack in alkaline solutions.
  • Anodized aluminum: The anodizing process forms a hardened surface that can be damaged during ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Cast aluminum: [porous, and can trap cleaning solution]
So it's toothbrush-and-soap for the Lupo Al.

. Charles


Staff member
Aluminium !
Maybe some of these will help:
The problem with this forum is that many users create a lot of new topics, despite the fact that it has already been discussed many times. But it's hard to find. It can be difficult for me to do it myself.
I’ve got stainless three piece razors - usually just wipe them down after each shave. If I get soap build up, I’ll use some vinegar and water with a brush and then rinse them off. Don’t have to do much to keep them clean.

I think of this every time I’ve read one of these threads (here or elsewhere).



Dull yet interesting
I rinse my razors, removing the blade, after every shave. On rare occasions, when I see a buildup of soap scum, I'll spray it with a little Dawn Platinum and wipe it off. I'll also give a blast from the hair drier when I'm done blow drying my hair. My razors look pretty immaculate, if I do say so myself.
I know, there must be several opinions regarding this and I've heard a few. I did a quick search here and didn't come up with an answer.

The one that puzzles me is I was told to NEVER use a soft toothbrush!

I was told, "rinse it, use Dawn dish soap to clean it and then a microsoft towel to dry and buff it." The part that doesn't make sense to me is "how do you get into the nooks and crannies, to get the hair and shave soap out" and the razor clean.

Of course I've also heard "use a soft toothbrush and Dawn" (I question the frequency).

So, to all of you who do clean their razors, be they $25 or $300 tell us how you do it and why it works, please!

Thanks all you seasoned wet shaving experts.
We've a whole recent thread on this. All I do is rinse with very hot water after each shave. During blade changes I clean the entire razor with dishwashing liquid and a tootbrush as noted in this thread linked below.

So it wasn't the heat.
No, No, No, yes


Combination of ultrasonic / heat / strong Base cleaner / strong Acid cleaner / left over cooties ..... soap and aluminum are not going to get on well when you shave and white ick [dead aloominumb] will lurk inside the handle, then you come along with a ultrasonic thingy and jiggle the jingoes out that making soup de aloominumb plus maybe eroding more?

Aluminum handles heat or pots and pans would chuck a wobbly, its the combination, like microwaving a gold rimmed plate, magic happens :w00t:
I had a very old soft bristle nylon brush and managed to wipe off the plating on a razor. Now I only have stainless in my arsenal so can pretty much use anything short of battery acid without much risk I think
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