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How do I work this thing!

Aaarrrrggghhhhhhh :w00t: Where were you last night when I needed you Chris....:blushing: :001_rolle

Sue, who still has a buzz going.... :eek:

Sorry MB Sue. :redface: I'm pretty sure I was dead asleep though (I'm several hours ahead of you :biggrin: ).

Those machines sure make a... ahem... robust... cup o' Joe (no not that one :rolleyes: :biggrin: ). Anyway, have fun pingin'! Oh, and drinking your coffee.
Sue: The general rule at coffeegeeks on water for coffee is that if the water tastes good to drink, then it's ok for coffee. Distilled is avoided because it is devoid of any minerals that generally make a water taste 'good'. Dasani water is essentially distilled that has had minerals added back to it (trust me on this, I've worked on their water plants). Distilled water is also as bad for espresso machines as excessively hard water (too much minerals), but for different reasons. The hard water will form deposits inside the machine, whilst the distilled will gradually dissolve the metal inside. A good water for espresso will have a Total Dissolved Solids of around 60-110ppm, IIRC. If you want more info, google on "insanely long water faq".


I love the smell of JP-5 in the morning!

John do you let your coffee sit for 12 hours before drinking it too? :lol:

Nothing like coffee reheated about 12 times....Real coffee should be chewed not drank, right?
JP-5/8 aftertaste in the coffee is ok....Hyd' fluid aftertaste will make you pay dearly...never leave your coffee cup where airframers can get to it....:biggrin:
John P.
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