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How do I work this thing!

I have given in to nights of drooling over posts from those of you such as Goosemeplease and Dinder1 and bought one of these.... It comes with a small paperback novel for an instruction book.

Does anyone know how to work one of these or will I have to enroll in college again? :w00t: It is a Capresso Ultima model 121.... Thanks! :redface:
:confused: I have no idea. Does it use pods?

No, they keep talking about grinding, tamping and pressure brewing and making crema coffee... I am making a pot of regular coffee to help deal with the stress of making the crema coffee.... :blush:

modern man

Whatever happend to coffee pots with just an on/off switch?
I thought you liked reading books. :wink:

This is the kind of book that turned me off on school.... :w00t:

I think I am just going to do the drip coffee and put this off for another day when I have someone here with a lot of patience who will help me with it.....:blushing:
Just do it Sue! How hard can it be?

Stick some coffee in the little coffee holder thingys, add some water to the machine, and press the button. :thumbup1:
Just do it Sue! How hard can it be?

Stick some coffee in the little coffee holder thingys, add some water to the machine, and press the button. :thumbup1:

It has handles, knobs, funnels and levers, blinking lights, carousels and a handle bar.... :w00t: Why would you put a handlebar on a coffee machine! :w00t:

modern man

It has handles, knobs, funnels and levers, blinking lights, carousels and a handle bar.... :w00t: Why would you put a handlebar on a coffee machine! :w00t:

Use it as a paperweight and run out to get Duncan Donuts coffee. :biggrin:
Just do it Sue! How hard can it be?

Stick some coffee in the little coffee holder thingys, add some water to the machine, and press the button. :thumbup1:

Jo, it comes with a removable coffee funnel insert with lid. You are not supposed to fill coffee into the coffee funnel if the funnel is not pointing towrads the front of the machine... i can't figure out what this first piece is.... I really am feeling dumb right now.. that is just the first instruction..... lol ... Aaaarrrggghhhh
Does this mean there will be a 'MamaBearBucks' in the future?


Absolutely... just look for the coffee shop with a really, really long line of caffeine withdrawal people standing outside the door! Coming to a town near you! :biggrin:


Absolutely... just look for the coffee shop with a really, really long line of caffeine withdrawal people standing outside the door! Coming to a town near you! :biggrin:

Good thing I drink decaf then. I'd brave the peril:smile:

It doesn't taste anything like Starbucks.... but I am pretty impressed with myself. It is strong enough to wake the dead tho. I think I will get better with time, but probably wouldn't have done this it all without you guys.. Thanks.. Dinder, how bad does it look? There was some pretty brown foam on it but it dissapeared before I got the camera....

I wish someone had told me not to fill the milk up all the way before frothing... there is foamed milk everywhere right now... :eek: Oh, well.. I will just drink the coffee... :001_wub:
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