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How do i use this scuttle?

SWMBO Brought me this today


It has holes on the top... Can i use it as a Scuttle? Is it even a Scuttle?

Sorry for the dumb questions, I'm a Scuttle Noob.
As I understand it, a puck of soap goes in the top (the holes allow for drainage), and you can use the "spout" for soaking your brush in the hot water. I could be wrong, though, I've never used one.
You have a very nice SWMBO. Yep soap in the top hot water into spout brush in spout. Or wet your brush somewhere else and use boiling water in the scuttle should give a nice warm lather. I wouldn't put your brush in boiling water might damage it. Its a nice scuttle.
actually boiling water may damage the scuttle as well as kill any lather off, never use anything hotter then your hotest tap water in those, that style scuttle is more for looks anyway thats why most modern scuttle loof very different its a fancy soap puck holder that adds a nice classy vintage look to your bathroom
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