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How do I lather up from a tiny sample?

This may just be lack of finesse, but I'm struggling to work out how I lather up from a soap sample (as opposed to a cream sample where you can put it in the bowl and lather up).

I'm looking at getting some soap and cream samples from TGQ so I'm wondering how do you lather up with a small soap sample?

Anybody privy to getting the most mileage from a sample pack?
how do you lather up with a small soap sample?

I've always done it the same way I do with a full size soap, except that I may have to hold it down with a finger while trying to load up the brush. :)
I've used TGQ stuff for a long time. I started on those mini discs too.

The best way, IMO, is to melt them into a glass dish. (or a ramekin, but I prefer something with a lid since the scent will dissipate.)

Fill a saute pan with water and let the dish sit in the bath while it heats up gradually.

TGQ's need you to stir, so the clay doesn't settle.

TGQ's also use very fine, natural oil that can change if you mess with it too much, so be gentle with the heat.

Oh, and TGQ's amazing scents will start to dissappear after a few months if you don't have containers with lids. However, this shouldn't be a problem since you can use TGQ samples pretty quickly with regular shaving.
take a small portion of cream with your finger, place it in a bowl or on your face and lather up

The OP's asking about a soap sample. I would just press the sample into a mug or bowl then lather from there. You can also put the sample between 2 pieces of wax paper, beat it flat with a rolling pin (hammer, whatever), then stick it to the bottom of a mug/cup with a drop of water.

If you're not averse to it, you can also take the soap sample and rub it around on your wet face the way you would use a shave stick, then face-lather it with your brush.
Thanks for the input, guys. Most appreciated.

Might just have to buy multiple samples just so I can try all the various techniques - that's as good an excuse as I need...
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