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How do I know it's a 1912?

Local antique dealer has several Gem SE razors all under 10$. I'm curious to try a 1912, how do I know one when I see it?
Look at the head where the handle screws in. It will say "Patd. 1912". Might need to unscrew the handle to get a good view.

If you can't figure out where to look based on the above then it isn't a 1912!
Thanks to AsylumGuido in a recent thread, here is an excellent picture showing much of the detail on a 1912. This one happens to be an Ever-Ready, but it could also say Gem, Star etc. This particular razor is gold, but it could also be nickel plated. There were many different handle styles, even including a fat bakelite one, but this picture is typical of the head detail.

I've got four different types of 1912 variant, and they all are awesome. However, the different handles make them each respond a little differently. If you can swing it, pick up two or three different configurations.:biggrin:
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