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How did prisoners shave before disposable razors?

So it seems like today they gave prisoners some plastic bic disposable razor that would be hard to use as a weapon. What did they do before disposable razors when the only thing available was a DE or even before that, a straight razor?! Would they trust a prisoner with a DE blade? Did they have barbers come in every week to give the prisoners a nice shave or did all prisoners just grow beards?
Do a search for Gillette Psycho Razors. Thats what they were called. They had a special key that went in the bottom of the razor that tightened the blade in to the razor. The guards kept the key and the inmates couldn't get the blade out of the razor. You will see them come up for sale every so often.

Edit-I see while I was typing...someone beat me to it! HA!
at the prison i worked at they used straights then went to DE's....

each inmate had a razor and the trustee that ran the dorm or the freeman *(read that as guard) kept them and issued them out at shower time...

any hijinks was severely punished...

now they use those crappy little bic safety razors...
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