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How are your monochromes doing


From the other day downtown, Athens, Ga.
They are not :cursing: I seem to only be able to shoot in midday, high contrast sun and I'm not satisfied at all. This Epson V500 is just not good for 35mm (seems to work great for MF), at least Tri-X. That stuff curls and stays curled like nobodies business. I'd have to put a 1/4" thick piece of glass on it to flatten and then maybe it might work. Tried everything to get it reasonably flat. Uggg high contrast, blurry messes when I know the shots are sharper when checking under magnification.


http://www.rollinghillsimagery.com/Film/Yashica-Mat 1st 6 are recent. The Pentax MX shots are from the same trip.
My scanner is less than when it comes to dealing with the arc of 35mm film too.
The only thing I do with 35 anymore is make silver gel prints. I can't do the negatives justice from the scanner's output. Better to make a silver gel print and then scan that if the image needs to be in a digital format.
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I would love to do prints. I don't have the set up at the moment to do it, but I may have in the near future if an occupational change I'm looking at pans out. I'd need to find someone to show me how to do it again. It's been sooooo long I don't remember a thing.
They are not :cursing: I seem to only be able to shoot in midday, high contrast sun and I'm not satisfied at all. This Epson V500 is just not good for 35mm (seems to work great for MF), at least Tri-X. That stuff curls and stays curled like nobodies business. I'd have to put a 1/4" thick piece of glass on it to flatten and then maybe it might work. Tried everything to get it reasonably flat. Uggg high contrast, blurry messes when I know the shots are sharper when checking under magnification.


http://www.rollinghillsimagery.com/Film/Yashica-Mat 1st 6 are recent. The Pentax MX shots are from the same trip.

The film must be in short strips. Put strip between folded sheet of linen bond stationery, then roll around a drinking glass with tape or rubber band for a couple days. Try this first on a throwaway strip of film.
The film must be in short strips. Put strip between folded sheet of linen bond stationery, then roll around a drinking glass with tape or rubber band for a couple days. Try this first on a throwaway strip of film.

I've smashed them between 50lbs of books for up to three weeks with no improvement. The last three rolls I wrapped backwards around the plastic canister for 3-4 days. Within 10 minutes of unrolling it was back to where I started. I'm going to try something besides Arista Premium 400 on this next film order.
I've smashed them between 50lbs of books for up to three weeks with no improvement. The last three rolls I wrapped backwards around the plastic canister for 3-4 days. Within 10 minutes of unrolling it was back to where I started. I'm going to try something besides Arista Premium 400 on this next film order.

visit some of the photo/scanner forums?
make a mylar frame with cutouts?
or, rewash the negs, soak in photoflo, redry?
or, send those pesky ones off to scanner service that do drum scanning.
visit some of the photo/scanner forums?
make a mylar frame with cutouts?
or, rewash the negs, soak in photoflo, redry?
or, send those pesky ones off to scanner service that do drum scanning.

I think I just need to get a dedicated Plustek 35mm scanner with the better holders. Oh, and change film as I've read about a lot of people having severe curling problems with the rebranded Tri-X. I've tried rewashing and I soak in LFS before hanging to dry. I think I'll try some HP5+ and some Delta 100 next.

Now that I've derailed AllenG's thread, back to your regular broadcast :wink2:
If you want film that is flat, try Rollei Retro 80s or 400s.
They both look different than trix and are a bit infrared sensitive. But damn, the base is FLAT!!! Straight after drying. Also since the base is clear, it's very easy to scan. It could be tricky to develop first few times.

It can be bit tricky to develop, since for me the times given for this film from manufacturer are too long and will need a bit of experimenting.

Rollei Retro 400s in rodinal 100+1 stand development (6x6 format):

Rollei Retro 80s (6x6):

Rollei Retro 80s (35mm in xtol):
Have you tried a negative scanner, polaroid used to make the best from what I can remember.
Several over the years, some are better than others. My current is a film/flatbed combo. I think it is a canon but it may be an epson.
My current setup is sufficient to pull 13x19 prints off of a 6x6 negative. If I want to go larger than that I pay to have a drum scan.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
My current setup is sufficient to pull 13x19 prints off of a 6x6 negative. If I want to go larger than that I pay to have a drum scan.

People still drum scan?? They were doing that when I was in (tertiary) school.
Probably not. Come to think of it, it has been several years since I sent out a negative for processing.
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