Been at this DE shaving for a couple months now, and I have read quite a bit on different blades through other forums...but I have one question for many of you. How do you possibly make blades last for more than one or two shaves?? I have seen people say they get 5 or more shaves out of a blade, some have said 3, many say two. I get one tremendous BBS shave out of one blade and then if I go to use it again all it is good for is a WTG pass...if I attempt XTG or AGT after that, it gets ugly. I have used Derby, Gillette 7 o'clock blacks, Feathers, Astra SP, Gillette blue silver, Personna reds, Lord platinum and cheap no name store brand blades...and it is universal. One shave and toss or else pay. How are you guys swinging the multiple shaves...are you not going for BBS everytime? Is that the key? I appreciate any input, because while I have compiled a little variety pack of blades, I am looking to buy in bulk soon and if I am chucking them after one use anyways it will play a role in the decision making. Thanks guys.