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How are SE's compared to DE's?

I run across SE's much more at flea markets and antique shops. How do they shave? What about the blades? I see they use what I call a utility or box cutting blade, but where do you get a shave grade blade?
SE and DE razors have a completely different feel. The angle you use is different. You can find both kinds of blades at some pharmacies. Or online at places like West Coast Shaving. I enjoy using both kinds of razors, but I am newer to SE shaving.
Walgreens and CVS both sell SE blades in their shaving sections as well as numerous online retailers. As far as how they compare- that's for your to decide, but for me the shave is easier, lasts longer, and I can get so many 3 pass shaves out of a blade that it's easy to lose count of how long I've had a blade in service. As a disclaimer, I still enjoy my DEs from time to time.
The SE shaves tend to be louder and, for me, closer than DE. The trade-offs are that there's not a whole lot of blade variety and there are no new SE razors being made. So it's either vintage or nothing. That being said, as you noted, vintage SE razors are readily available and much more affordable.
The SE blades are more rigid than DE blades. I like the solid feel of the SE blades - I sometimes get some 'chatter' with DE blades, especially in wide open adjustables. Because the SE blade isn't flexed in the razor like in most DEs it's much easier to understand the real cutting angle between face and blade. I can get a great shave with either, but prefer the feel of the SE shave.

SE blades last longer than DE blades but I miss the variety of blades available with DEs.

I love the look of the SE razors. GEMs, Autostrops and, especially lather catchers just grab me aesthetically.
Walgreens and CVS both sell SE blades in their shaving sections


Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid all have GEM and Treet brand (ASR) single edge blades in 10 back dispensers

You can get GEM stainless steel PTFE coated blades at several medical/lab supply houses and a few shaving vendors. They come in cartons of 100 blades. Some specialty vendors will sell this same blade in individual 10 packs if you want to give them a run before you jump into getting 100 blades (which would be several years worth of shaves if you used nothing else besides a SE razor).

Shave is much closer with a SE for me. Love the audible "scritch" sound. I haven't gone back to a DE since this bug has bit me. Please don't try "box cutter" blades. You will eat up your face. Look on this forum for the SE Blade guide a member made. It's invaluable as a resource.
I totally agree that SE is far superior. I'm about 9 months into traditional wet shaving and used a DE for the first 8 1/2 of them. About 2 weeks ago, I bought my first SE, a GEM 1912, and have been using it almost every day since. Aside from the audio feedback that I love, my favorite thing about my SE razor is that in my WTG and XTG passes, I literally cannot feel the razor on my face. It's so smoothe. When I go ATG I can feel it a little, but it's still so much more comfortable that any of my DE's. I think it's because the blade is so much thicker and heavier.
The biggest hidden truth in the shaving universe is single-edge is far superior to the limp-bladed double-edge.

Hey now ! Don't hold back,tell us how you really feel !

I have some incredibly nice double edge razors,but I can't remember the last time I used one of 'em....
I will be the voice of dissent here. I have both SE and DE razors of several varieties, and I like both styles. However, I get a longer lasting BBS from my DE razors than I do with my SE razors. Both give a nice smooth finish, but my face is rougher at lunchtime with an injector, 1912, clog pruf, or MMOC than it is when I use my new, futur, gillette adjustable, or razorock OC. All of them are in my regular rotation, though.

SE blades do last about twice as long as DE for me.

Maybe a PTFE coated blade would improve the SEs for me, but I only have the gems from my local walgreens.
In my humble opinion my (very few) SEs give a longer lasting shave (5 o'clock shadow at 9 really:thumbup1:). That excludes the injectors of course.
Yeah, I have to add that my shave lasts a considerable longer time with a SE than it did with a DE shave. I do use the GEM SS coated blades, so perhaps that makes a difference.
Yeah, I have to add that my shave lasts a considerable longer time with a SE than it did with a DE shave. I do use the GEM SS coated blades, so perhaps that makes a difference.

I find the carbon steel blades shave lasts longer than the SS shaves for me---This thing really is YMMV
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