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Hot or Cold?

So you've just finished shaving. You put your razor down. All that remains on your face is a few bits of shaving cream residue. You're going to rinse your face with water before applying some proraso cream/trumpers skin food/aftershave lotion...etc.

What do you rinse it with? Hot water or Cold water?

Something in between? What's the difference? Do you want your pores to be open when you apply the cream/lotion? If your pores are closed, does the cream/lotion not benefit you?


A confused Kasabian
I always use cold. I let the tap run for about 30 secs so it's as cold as possible. I think this is the first stage of the aftershave treatment; followed by alum, a balm.
Just after shaving, I'll use warm water at about the same temp I've been using to rinse between latherings.

After removal of residual soap/cream, I'll then splash with the cold water.
TraderJoe said:
Just after shaving, I'll use warm water at about the same temp I've been using to rinse between latherings.

After removal of residual soap/cream, I'll then splash with the cold water.

Ditto - :biggrin:
first with warm to get rid of the left over cream and mess... then with cold (and for much longer) as a part of the AS (before any AS products).
I have to agree with the last several guys. Use hot/warm water to clean the soap off my face, then run the water cold and do a final rinse to close the pores.
1)Warm water and a cloth to clean my face.
2)Cold as I can stand it after.
3)I rub a pit of a lavendar massage oil in my hands work it into my elbows and the rest into the parts of my face that I just shaved.*

* Seems to be just the thing to keep my face soft, but not greasy- it all gets absorbed in about 10 minutes, and I don't have trouble with clogged pores or any such malady.
warm rinse
cooooold rinse
Thayers lavender WH
after shave o' the day
cologne o' the day

On to rule the world!:biggrin:
Same as practically everyone else; hot water rinse to clear residual cream and then a cold water splash to close the pores ( and because it feels good.) The cold water splash is particularly bracing after using Proraso, every wet shaver should try it at least once.
Why does everyone do a warm rinse, before cold?

I find that cold takes off the leftover lather just fine.
No real idea but out of my own experience I think the cold water rinse after a temid or hot water rinse feels much cooler, thus better.
Guys, do think warm water would be better for someone with dry skin??? (to keep pores open, so the lotion or balm is well absorbed)
rafikz said:
Guys, do think warm water would be better for someone with dry skin??? (to keep pores open, so the lotion or balm is well absorbed)

Hmmm.....I would say yes, it would allow the balm to be absorbed better. But I wonder about the long term effects of not closing up the pores.

clogged pores?
I just use cold water. One rinse with cold water, then clean my shaving brush, then another rinse of my face with cold water for good measure... I then let the water on my face dry (i.e. for 10 minutes or so) before applying any aftershave balms etc.
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