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Hoppe's No. 9 spill...

So I was cleaning up my guns tonight and on the last one, I spilled most of my 8 ounce bottle right onto the floor in the living room. Any of you lovely gents have any ideas as to how to get the smell out? Already salvaged the carpet, it's not even stained. The room just stinks to high heaven. I like the smell, just not as an air freshened..
Well, personally, I'd be first in line if someone made an aftershave that smells like Hoppe's, but if you really want the smell to go away, you could try dusting down the carpet where you spilled with baking soda, leaving it for a while, then vacuuming it up. If there's some leftover solvent in the carpet that you're not seeing, the baking soda should absorb it. (Some people say rubbing alcohol, but that can wreck the glue they use for carpet backing if it soaks too deeply. ) I've only ever used this method on pet accidents, but I assume the theory is transferable.
I'd say baking soda too, or some of that carpet fresh powder. It might have soaked through to the floor. That scent of the stuff will definitely put hair on your chest.
I thought the smell of Hoppe's was a good thing.

But I guess too much of a good thing huh?

Anyway, I would try baking soda sprinkled over the area then vacuum it up. I have found that a open bag of charcoal, is also good at absorbing odors from the air in a room.
I thought the smell of Hoppe's was a good thing.

But I guess too much of a good thing huh?

Anyway, I would try baking soda sprinkled over the area then vacuum it up. I have found that a open bag of charcoal, is also good at absorbing odors from the air in a room.

I love the smell of Hoppe's but it aggravates my asthma. I'd go with the baking soda solution. You might also try a product like ZeroOdor.
The lingering scent of Hoppe's after cleaning the guns is fine. the smell of 6 ounces dumped into your carpet? Not so good. I sopped as much of it as I could up with an old rag. Didn't even leave a stain. The smell is still immediately noticeable. Will have to try the baking soda trick.
The smell by the way is citronella, the same smell used in those mosquito candles. Hoppe’s uses that as one of the ingredients.
Another vote for a dousing of Baking Soda followed by a vacuuming a day or so later. After that some Febreze should help. Good luck (enjoy the scent while its still there).
I thought the smell of Hoppe's was a good thing.
But I guess too much of a good thing huh?

Anyway, I would try baking soda sprinkled over the area then vacuum it up. I have found that a open bag of charcoal, is also good at absorbing odors from the air in a room.

Hehe. Me too.:001_rolle
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