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Honing Technique Critique

I have started honing my own razors now for about 2 months, and I have purchased the Norton Waterstone Starter Kit (8x3), with the lapping stone, the combination stones 220/1k and the 4k/8k, and I have a 200x75mm yellow coticule to finish off.

I have only used the 1k stone for really poor shape razors off ‘da bay’ to get them uniform in the straightness of the edge, then I move to the 4k. For new razors, I go right to the 4k.

With the 4k stone, I usually take 10-15 laps without electric tape, then I add a single piece of electric tape to create the bevel and run another 15 or so laps until it starts to shave arm hair. The tape remains on the razor until I am done. I consider this my common baseline before moving to the 8k.

Once on the 8k, I run through about 10-20 laps, and then move on to my coticule for finishing. I do not add slurry to the coticule, just water, and finish the razor with 30-40 laps on the coticule… strop and shave.

I find this has provided me with a very comfortable shave, and after 15-20 uses of the razor, I take it back to the water only coticule for a freshen-up of 10-15 laps, with one piece of tape. Since I primarily use 2 razors in rotation at any time, the ‘freshen-up’ is performed about every 5 weeks or so.

Any thoughts or feedback to my technique?
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I have started honing my own razors now for about 2 months, and I have purchased the Norton Waterstone Starter Kit (8x3), with the lapping stone, the combination stones 220/1k and the 4k/8k, and I have a 200x75mm yellow coticule to finish off.

I have only used the 1k stone for really poor shape razors off ‘da bay’ to get them uniform in the straightness of the edge, then I move to the 4k. For new razors, I go right to the 4k.

With the 4k stone, I usually take 10-15 laps without electric tape, then I add a single piece of electric tape to create the bevel and run another 15 or so laps until it starts to shave arm hair. The tape remains on the razor until I am done. I consider this my common baseline before moving to the 8k.

Once on the 8k, I run through about 10-20 laps, and then move on to my coticule for finishing. I do not add slurry to the coticule, just water, and finish the razor with 30-40 laps on the coticule… strop and shave.

I find this has provided me with a very comfortable shave, and after 15-20 uses of the razor, I take it back to the water only coticule for a freshen-up of 10-15 laps, with one piece of tape. Since I primarily use 2 razors in rotation at any time, the ‘freshen-up’ is performed about every 5 weeks or so.

Any thoughts or feedback to my technique?

If it works for you, that's great. I just haven't found a 'formula' as clearly defined as yours. In other words, I do what is necessary to get to the next step, and I stay there until it really is ready for that next step. And what comes next may depend on how things are going, etc. It's iterative for me (type and number of strokes, which hone, etc.). The other thing I notice is that you seem to make your first 'does it shave arm hair?' determination later in the game than I would. I also tend to use tape a lot, although in my case, I seem to use it as a bit of crutch (to protect the spine) - not to create a double bevel as I think you do.

But, like I said, I won't argue with success if it's working. :thumbup1:
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IMHO, I think you are underestimating your coti. Mine functions for me for the complete 4K + range. When I was first starting out, I was always amazed at the fine quality and uniformity of the bevel coming off the coti when viewed under magnification. There were no scratches or abrasions that needed to be worked out. But I can't speak at all towards the Norton's as I've never used them.
You may also want to try adding a step of very light "misty" slurry before finishing on water with your coti. It is said to increase the smoothness of the edge. Check out the Unicot procedure on Coti.be. It's well worth your time to experiment a bit with it as you seem to like a coti edge.
I think that's cool that you have a set pattern to work to, I seem to have no real system in place, whatever I need to do to get a straight sharp, I do, guess your one of the lucky ones, and if it works, stick to it,
I do worry a little about the spine, which is why I only do not tape it for my first stage. Once I have the edge uniform with 15 or so laps and it starts to evenly grab in the TNT, then I add a single piece of electrical tape along the spine to create that second bevel, and I always use a piece of tape any time after, so I only work on that second bevel and have a protected spine.

I have yet to look at the blades under magnification at the different stages, and have only used ‘feel’ (TNT, TPT, HHT) as a guide. I guess that will be one of my next steps getting to a consistent pattern. Once I can shave arm hair with that second/final bevel at the 4k I know its time to move to the next stone. I thought it was the 9-part video (sticky) from heavydutysg135 that mentioned you should be able to shave arm hair at the 4k before moving on to the 8k.

I am aware my coti can perform well all by itself, it will just take time getting adjusted to it alone. I do have the Unicot pdf file printed out and make notes as I experiment, and have viewed a number of videos as well. I believe the Norton’s are able to get me to the finished product faster than the Unicot because they do cut faster, but I’m not giving up on the idea of Unicot. I have 1 razor I am practicing with just the Unicot method.

I think your appraoch is just fine, and I can imagine that your razors shave very well. It all makes perfect sense to me. Some work without tape to get some "clearance" for your actual bevel that you cut with a layer of tape. Since the razors most likely already have a primary bevel at "untaped" angle, your secondary bevel stays nicely narrow, which makes for quick and easy sharpening.

Kind regards,
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