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Honing on a budget?

I am new to straight razors and am absolutely addicted to it. What I want to know is what is the least expensive way to get into honing? I am not talking about just touching up a razor but full blown honing. I would really like to be self sufficient. I do have some old dull eBay razors to practice
on before I would ever do any honing on my daily shavers.
There are some cheap stones being sold out of Poland from an ebay sellers. I think they are around $20 each plus postage. You could get a 1000, 5000, 8000 and 12,000 for less than $100.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I've got a King 800 for establishing a bevel, a Norton 4k/8k and one of those Chinese 12k to finish. I think that is a pretty good budget set-up.
40x150mm Coticule

+1...Cotis are great fantastic "all-in-one" hones, but eventually you will find yourself needing more variety to experiment with...the Naniwas (1k, 5k, 8k and 12k) are great, and maybe a finishing stone etc...HAD will at some point set in too :lol:. You just wait. It's "honing on a budget" now, but before you know it you'll end up dropping $500 on an Escher or JNat and feeling pretty good about yourself :lol:.
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