Been reading several bay rum threads here recently and thought I would comment on the HBG I just received today from
First of all, EXTREMELY FAST service from Vitacost, I highly recommend them!
The Honeybee Gardens Bay Rum, when I first splashed a little into my hand my very first thought was "wow, licorice!" It is decidedly not clove or spicy smelling like others that have been mentioned (e.g. Pinaud).
First contact on the face is some definite alcohol burn. And that was from this morning's shave as I'm splashing a little at 6pm! YMMV on that, I guess.
It settles in nicely after a few moments, and as I'm typing this it's been about 45 minutes. The scent has rounded off very nicely to a smooth, exotic, butter rum type of flavor. Round and warm are the only words I can find to describe it. Extremely pleasant, and I feel like a million bucks just walking around the house! It has left my skin feeling very very smooth, a little more powdery and less tacky than the Master Bay Rum I used this morning.
If you're like me and your idea of bay rum has been limited to some old school brand that had an actual leaf floating in the bottle like the kind my dad used.. Please! Don't walk - RUN- to your computer and hop online to order some of this stuff! I plan on using it regularly, and I think it will pair really well with my tube of Trader Joe's Honey Mango shave creme, which I've never really enjoyed but I think now may have found its calling.
Best regards,
First of all, EXTREMELY FAST service from Vitacost, I highly recommend them!
The Honeybee Gardens Bay Rum, when I first splashed a little into my hand my very first thought was "wow, licorice!" It is decidedly not clove or spicy smelling like others that have been mentioned (e.g. Pinaud).
First contact on the face is some definite alcohol burn. And that was from this morning's shave as I'm splashing a little at 6pm! YMMV on that, I guess.
It settles in nicely after a few moments, and as I'm typing this it's been about 45 minutes. The scent has rounded off very nicely to a smooth, exotic, butter rum type of flavor. Round and warm are the only words I can find to describe it. Extremely pleasant, and I feel like a million bucks just walking around the house! It has left my skin feeling very very smooth, a little more powdery and less tacky than the Master Bay Rum I used this morning.
If you're like me and your idea of bay rum has been limited to some old school brand that had an actual leaf floating in the bottle like the kind my dad used.. Please! Don't walk - RUN- to your computer and hop online to order some of this stuff! I plan on using it regularly, and I think it will pair really well with my tube of Trader Joe's Honey Mango shave creme, which I've never really enjoyed but I think now may have found its calling.
Best regards,