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Holy Black Trading Co on Etsy

I wanted to post up about my absolute favorite shaving soap from a guy on Etsy who goes by the Holy Black Trading Co.


I use his "gunpowder spice" soap almost daily. It makes a really nice lather, and the soap has a really nice, spicy scent to it. His aftershaves are also quite nice. I would definitely give the shop a visit and give his stuff a try.


Good shaving!
I wanted to post up about my absolute favorite shaving soap from a guy on Etsy who goes by the Holy Black Trading Co.


I use his "gunpowder spice" soap almost daily. It makes a really nice lather, and the soap has a really nice, spicy scent to it. His aftershaves are also quite nice. I would definitely give the shop a visit and give his stuff a try.


Good shaving!
This is a very nice site and just when I promised myself to stay clear of shaving sites the force has been whispering to me and damn if I didn't go there and I plan to make some purchases !! Please someone stop me before my wife leaves me, she told me she would leave if I bought any more shaving items, I'm pretty sure I' ll miss the old girl !
This is a very nice site and just when I promised myself to stay clear of shaving sites the force has been whispering to me and damn if I didn't go there and I plan to make some purchases !! Please someone stop me before my wife leaves me, she told me she would leave if I bought any more shaving items, I'm pretty sure I' ll miss the old girl !

Show her this, that should shut her up for a few days.
This is a very nice site and just when I promised myself to stay clear of shaving sites the force has been whispering to me and damn if I didn't go there and I plan to make some purchases !! Please someone stop me before my wife leaves me, she told me she would leave if I bought any more shaving items, I'm pretty sure I' ll miss the old girl !
Cool store, thanks for spreading the good word! Tried any other scents so far? "Sandalwood Smoke" and "Mountain Man" have peaked my interest...
Mountain man is nice. It's kind of pine-needle-ish. I like it, but it's more of a cold weather scent IMO. I'm not a sandalwood fan, so I can't vouch for that.
Dern--more items to add to my 2013 Post-Sabbatical list. Maybe I'll forget about it by the time the new year rolls around...
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