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Hipsters are Killing American Razor Sales


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Now, if you think this out a bit, it could never kill razor sales. Hipsters are all about being "anti" something, and it scarcely matters what that something may be. As soon as they discover that there are enough of them to make a dent in the establishment, they'll lose interest and move on to something else. Hopefully, like the works of Corey Greenberg, I hope it's something of which I have..........
absolutely no interest.
If Gillette brought safety razors back, more people would shave. Cheap :)

NO WAY will I EVER spend $4/cartridge. I can get the same amount of shaves with a $0.20 blade, AND a better shave!
There is a new hipster store near me that had a hallow ground wade and butcher for $650, and two other razors for around $400. No strops or anything else, and all the staff had beards. I backed away slowly and tried to avoid eye contact.
I really don't think we need to base any of our life decisions or concerns on what young people are doing with their hair. This has been the ire of parents for probably longer than recorded history but I don't think it has affected the world much other than that.

Hipsters are a minority. I don't believe they can have such effect on the razor market. And like ouch said earlier, hipsters will soon start shaving because they'll be tired of their beard. It's all a trend. Article states Gillette (P&G owned) are getting hit hard and consumers are either stepping down to disposables or stepping up to Art of Shaving. Well P&G owns AOS so what are they complaining about?
Good read. I, for one, have a lifetime Or near that in DE blades. The ritual of shaving every day is a privelege that I take seriously. Almost as an affront, I've noticed whiskered young ones in town...but then we have a bunch of Gray hairs in the same locale with BBS faces...and I belong to that crowd. My local AOS shop does a brisk business and I'm glad they're there. Cheers!
Is this like other classifications, in that one of the defining characteristics of being one is denying that you are one if asked? Obviously you can't be counter to a group if you belong to a group, right?

If you've ever lived with a full beard/mustache for any real length of time (more than 1 year) you'll know that this will never catch on in any serious numbers. Just not going to happen.
If you've ever lived with a full beard/mustache for any real length of time (more than 1 year) you'll know that this will never catch on in any serious numbers. Just not going to happen.

Who doesn't enjoy a few rogue whiskers trying to make their way to your brain through your nose at 3am?
Full beard, never! It's always trimmed.

LMGTFY.com -- that website is a fantastic idea, gave me a good laugh too.
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