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High Quality Belts?

I really like the 5.11 belts -- they're reinforced just like gunbelts but they look formal. They last forever and distribute the weight of a gun/cell/pda/whatever quite well.
I wear a Ross Leather belt made in South Africa and it is a high quality, heavy duty belt suitable for sheath and holster wear. They make great rifle slings as well.
I have a sharkskin belt from Rafter S gunleather. The quality and craftmanship is incredible, but getting the product was a pain. Customer service was not the greatest. I have seen some of the Beltman products and he does some amazing work. I will be getting a 1.25'' black velcro lined horse hide one of these days.
Filson and Coach if money is no object.

Lands End, believe it or not, for an excellent, durable, economic option.
They are not Alden belts, but better quaility.

Surpisingly, my Alden belts have been a real disappointment. They seem flimsy and the color does not match my shoes exactly (walnut), which is why I went through all the trouble.

At this price I expected much more. But, those shoes are amazing. Gotta love those shoes.
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Allen-Edmonds make quite reasonable belts. They sell their discontinued stock and seconds on-line as well:


This eBay store is owned by the company.

If cost is no object you can buy a belt from John Lobb, J.M. Weston, or Edward Green - they are represented in the US. I own some from Sutor Mantellassi that are excellent too. The quality of the leather is considerably higher than AE and the buckles simple and top quality. Alden has some nice skins too but their stuff tends to be pricey.

Don't buy belts from over advertised fashion brands eg Armani etc or even Mont Blanc - the buckles are gaudy and the leather quality blah. Even the Salvatore Ferragamo belts look like you are wearing their advertising like a sandwich board.
If you want tactical, I highly recommend Blackhawk's CQB belt. I have used it for repelling before.

For what its worth this is my duty belt. It works great for anything you can think of. Holds up all of my tactical gear, pistol, mags, knives etc.

They are not pretty, really not even nice enough looking for casual dress, but for work they kick @$$!
For what its worth this is my duty belt. It works great for anything you can think of. Holds up all of my tactical gear, pistol, mags, knives etc.

They are not pretty, really not even nice enough looking for casual dress, but for work they kick @$$!

Well, I never... I wore this belt exclusively for a couple of years,for casual wear. I kind of thought it looked cool. I must have grown up. I just realized I have been wearing a nicer leather belt for quite a while now.
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