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High-end fragrances you find revolting?

Acqua di Gio...if you consider it high end.

Seriously, they should just put all of these people on an island somewhere so they can all smell each other.
Yeah, and next we can talk about our least-favorite racial groups and government policies!

I'm totally messin' with you man. I can't help myself.

On that note -

If we're going to consider Acqua di Gio a "high end" fragrance, (I sure don't) then we've certainly got to give mention to Lauder's Beyond Paradise for Men. If there was one word I could use to describe this tangled, synthetic abortion, it would indeed be "revolting". Imagine an idiot sorority girl gets wasted on wine coolers and frozen daiquiris, and then at the end of the night, vomits into a plastic ziplock bag in your back seat. The next morning, you find the bag and pour it out. Now take a deep whiff of the inside of that plastic ziplock bag - THAT, my friends, is Beyond Paradise.
I'm totally messin' with you man. I can't help myself.

I know the feeling.

Honestly, the reason I posted the thread is that it stuck me as odd that there are at least two fragrances from one of the most expensive brands I know of that I not only didn't like, but actually found so disgusting that I wanted to try to wash them off. It's one thing if a drugstore brand or even a mainstream department store fragrance is that bad, and I don't even recall that strong a negative reaction to any of those.
I think I figured it out - You subconsciously ticked me off because I like Original Santal :001_rolle

That's ok, though. This scent gets ripped on sometimes. I think the issue is with the amount applied in most cases, as anything more than ONE spray of this DOES become a nauseating, cloying, annoying experience. Some think it's too similar to Joop! as well. Personally, I love it. And it is among the most sure-fire "panty-droppers" I own!
I think I figured it out - You subconsciously ticked me off because I like Original Santal :001_rolle

That's ok, though. This scent gets ripped on sometimes. I think the issue is with the amount applied in most cases, as anything more than ONE spray of this DOES become a nauseating, cloying, annoying experience. Some think it's too similar to Joop! as well. Personally, I love it. And it is among the most sure-fire "panty-droppers" I own!

My wife actually liked it, too, as did the salesman and the Creed counter. There was just something that REALLY disagreed with me about it.

That's interesting about anything more than one spray changing the nature of the scent. I found something similar with Bois du Portugal. Applied sparingly, it's really nice, but if its even slightly over-applied, it's not good.

Anyway, sorry if I hit a nerve. :001_rolle Frankly, if it's working as a "panty-dropper" for you, I expect you will, and indeed I encourage you to, completely disregard my opinion!

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Although I know many like it, I cannot stand it: Pen's Blenheim Bouquet. On me it develops into something nasty - a medicine like scent. And everything Bay Rum - I am allergic to this scent, I am getting breathing problems when I smell this stuff - vile.
After reading about the differences of opinion that so many have on so many different frags, in this thread and so many other threads, and even hearing how different scents smell differently on different peoples' skin, it makes me wonder sometimes how much value it is even sharing opinions about what we like or don't like. It also makes me wonder, if our opinions can be that different, how many times I've worn a frag that I like that may smell bad to others who don't say anything? That's kinda scary!

Floris Elite. I HATE this stuff.
And all C&S fragrances literally smell like dog poop (edited by mod to remove naughty language)on me. Confirmed by multiple sources
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Perhaps someone should start a thread on the best "panty-dropping" colognes. :001_smile

Actually, that is the most common thread around here. People are asking that question but they just use words like what scent do you find women like best? Or what does your wife like you to wear? Although it would be interesting if the actual answer to what is the best pd scent was in fact far different from what your wife says she likes best!

I personally have never found that true pd scent! Like the rest of life the most important thing is to be very handsome when wearing it! Grin
After reading about the differences of opinion that so many have on so many different frags, in this thread and so many other threads, and even hearing how different scents smell differently on different peoples' skin, it makes me wonder sometimes how much value it is even sharing opinions about what we like or don't like.

Actually, I've found this forum very useful and have gotten a lot of good info on fragrances here. The big differences of opinion are just part of the mix of information.
Actually, I've found this forum very useful and have gotten a lot of good info on fragrances here. The big differences of opinion are just part of the mix of information.

I agree with you completely! I just think there's a tendency to categorize as "right" or "wrong" peoples opinions as to whether they like a frag or not. I love Guerlain Vetiver; it makes Emmett gag. Who's right? Both of us! It would be interesting to me to know what makes some people like frags and others hate them. It's also interesting to me that I like some frags and not others, and am still trying to figure out if there's a common "note" in the ones I don't like. In any case, the exploring is fun!

I agree with you completely! I just think there's a tendency to categorize as "right" or "wrong" peoples opinions as to whether they like a frag or not. I love Guerlain Vetiver; it makes Emmett gag. Who's right? Both of us! It would be interesting to me to know what makes some people like frags and others hate them. It's also interesting to me that I like some frags and not others, and am still trying to figure out if there's a common "note" in the ones I don't like. In any case, the exploring is fun!


<It would be interesting to me to know what makes some people like frags and others hate them. >

You mean frags in general or particular frags? Me too, whichever it is. Re the former, frags seem as addictive as anything I have ever been involved with. The more one learns, the more addtictive they are.

I actually think with frags there is less of a tendency than with most things for people to categorize as right and wrong. But I guess I do wonder as you said whether I have been walking around wearing something people hate.

Although, I generally do not see people saying they hate a scent on someone else, unless it is some reference to someone drenching themselves in Polo or something.

I do find that I seem to have relatively few hates when it comes to scents, whereas virtually everyone else does. I do find that often I am kind of indifferent to a scent, and then the good ones grow on me. I think I just experiienced this with Pen's English Fern. It seemed kind of okay at first. Green, woody, a bit linear. But over the past several days it seems more and more appealing--deeper, more complex, more evolving. (It seems to have notes that I have always really liked in Bowling Green, but Pen's seems to be an even purer version.) So it is not like I do not have very strong "loves," even if I do not have many hates. It would, as you say, be really interesting to know whether there are certain things that tie scents together that individuals really dislike.

I think this forum is really informative. I find basenotes less so overall. Actually somehow I find basenotes often very confusing.
Acqua di Gio...if you consider it high end.

Seriously, they should just put all of these people on an island somewhere so they can all smell each other.

I agree with your latter statement, but there's no way Acqua di Gio, or any other fragrance of its ilk, is high end. The companies foisting these abominations on a thoroughly duped general public would certainly like us to think they are high end, and they spend an ungodly amount of money on marketing to convince us all of it. If they would actually put that money into the product itself, it might actually be worth smelling, but that goes against the whole business/marketing model of all designer/celebrity fragrances, which is, in a nutshell: Why spend money making the product good when we can spend money making people think the product is good?

My general rule of thumb is that if it does not come from an actual perfume house, it's probably not something I want to wear. This is not snobbishness - it's empirical discovery on my part. I haven't smelled anything newly marketed at a department in the better part of two decades store that I haven't found revolting. And I have NEVER smelled anything at a department store, even at the best of times, that could equal something put out by Penhaligon's or Santa Maria Novella, or any of the other truly outstanding fragrance houses.

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