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High end "Barbershop" scent

I owned Ambre Cannelle for a while, and after exhaustive testing and deliberation, ended up selling it. It was an extremely strong fragrance, and only one spray was more than enough in most cases. It is indeed a great barbershop-style fragrance, but also has a touch of French feeling to it - perfumy and rich. The cinnamon is present but not obtrusive. I'd recommend trying it before buying it. I have had a few cravings for it lately, but for the most part, I don't regret selling my 75ml of it. A 10ml decant would be appropriate.

Antico Caruso is one that I am also considering, but damn...$240? And this isn't like a Creed, where you might be able to find a reliable discount. I'm about to drop $240 on a bottle of Amouage Reflection of the same size, and I am crazy about this scent right now. I'd need to develop similarly strong feelings for Antico Caruso for me to commit... But that isn't exactly out of the question either... I think I'm going to have to sample this one tonight. Luckyscent's description of it really sells you, doesn't it?

Have you tried Penhaligons Racquet's Formula?
Previous posts have suggested that there's really no such thing as a "barbershop" scent so my suggestion (which may be wrong) can't be wrong, but how about T&H Grafton.

To me, it's kinda high(er) end barbershop.
I gave Antico Caruso another test drive last night. It was very nice. Very smooth, and the almond is positively yummy, for lack of a better term. It doesn't say "barbershop" to me like a lot of other scents do, but it is a fantastic fragrance. All that said, there is no way I'd pay $240 for this. Half that, at most.
Thanks for input...

I stopped by Lucky Scent last night and tried the Antico Caruso. I guess I may not fully understand the fragrance meaning of "barbershop" yet.

Clubman puts me in the mind of an old school haircut...Caruso didn't. Maybe it's a European barbershop....

Caruso is a very rich frag...but I have to say for me it was a dead on match of JPG Le Male. Frighteningly close. Probably not as sweet. Certainly a bit less synthetic...

After drydown, it's more mellow and almond than Le Male. But for that much change, I DON'T want to smell that much like another scent. If you really liked Le Male (and it was/is a great scent), this is the Rolls Royce version of it.

Caraceni 1913 is also considered by some to be a barbershop scent. That's one of my faves, but I don't get barbershop out of that one either.

Guess I'll try Ambre Canelle...
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Perfect suggestion by scentronic...he channeled what I meant by "barbershop."

Snagged some Penhaligon's Racquets and it's exactly what I was seeking. The Duoro was also very nice, but much spicier than I was seeking right now.

I've got a lot of French and Italian frags, turns out a British scent is my version of "barbershop."

Will break it in tomorrow.

I'll check out some of the other suggestions too.
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I grabbed some Racquets. I like it.

The whole "barbershop" thing is getting debatable since it's really kind of a vague description subject to our individual memories of our own experience.

Clubman and lavender scents remind me of my youthful experiences in the chair. I'm sure Tabac invokes some of those memories for many.

The frags that Lucky Scent tab as "barbershop" are CARCENI 1913 and ANTICO CARUSO, neither of which transport my mind back into the big chair.

I think a lot of the Penhaligan's are reminiscent of older frags that were around in my old style barbershop days. Nicely crafted British scents. Not too loud- a little floral.
Previous posts have suggested that there's really no such thing as a "barbershop" scent so my suggestion (which may be wrong) can't be wrong, but how about T&H Grafton.

To me, it's kinda high(er) end barbershop.

T&H Grafton is my favorite scent. It's my go to barber shop!
Previous posts have suggested that there's really no such thing as a "barbershop" scent so my suggestion (which may be wrong) can't be wrong, but how about T&H Grafton.

To me, it's kinda high(er) end barbershop.

T&H Grafton is my favorite scent. It's my go to barber shop!
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