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Hi, everyone , picked up a stahly live blade ....

For $17.17 Delivered, on the big bad ( or good ) Bay, this evening . just wanted to share this with people. I have never seen one in person . I have read here the head gives an excellent shave ,and some one used it to make a custom razor . Not my intention , just to have some more fun shaving, then I already am .
What are they like ?? they lasted form 1946--70 ? Expensive razor Aaaa?
for the Chrysler Imperial sect ?

They once really knew how to make them .

We both sniped it, you beat me by a dollar. Small world...
Enjoy it!

Thanks' Moshulu ,
Thats funny, Some of them looked better then this one, but this one, was going for cheaper and I try to be a bargain hunter . But now you know my ebay handle , Gadzoocks !!
I see , .... free shipping to Paris ! What a wonderful city , I have been there twice .
except for maybe the upper east side, I think London and Paris are nicer places to live then new york these days .

Are you African, Moshulu ? from what part ? sorry for the brief deviation gang .

Alex B
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