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Heritage Stubby 1 LE from Vintage Blades (Pic Heavy)

Now that I finally have my hands on one, I feel comfortable discussing it on B&B without having to worry about a run on Jim's stock before I could get one for myself. I have been eying this brush from Jim's Rooney Limited Edition page for quite some time now, and much to my surprise received the brush as a Christmas gift from my family.

In summary: it's beautiful. I've never been partial to ivory colored brushes, but this one shines like nobody's business. I have a weakness for tortoise, and the double band around the middle is just great. I've seen photos of Stubbies before, but it's difficult to appreciate their qualities until you're holding one. Some notes of interest:

  • The brush handle is smaller than I anticipated, but I do not find it uncomfortable as it is not so much smaller than my 3/1.
  • For having such a small handle, the brush has noticeably more heft than I thought it would. That is not to say the brush is heavy, but that it is appreciably weighted and well made.
  • The lettering is gorgeous and pristine. It is difficult to capture their sharpness and handsomeness in a photo.
  • I may need a second one.

Though I could continue to wax poetic for pages and pages, I may be better served by posting the photos and having an afternoon shave. Sorry the photos are so large, I don't have my camera, or my laptop, so I can't easily edit them down to an appropriate size like I normally would. Oh well! Cya, B&B!




Comparison with X2L and 3/1, all dry and "pre bloom."

Post Bloom LE, with Pre Bloom X2L and 3/1. The 3/1 has a similar but smaller bloom when wet, though the X2L does not expand much past this size wet or dry.


Congratulations, Christian!! Fine looking brush and I know you'll love the Heritage knot so keep us updated on your impressions. And since you'll need another one soon, you can sell me your #15 to finance it! :lol:

After using this brush for a week I can say I am thoroughly pleased with it. I have only used it with face lathering soaps, as I have been away from my home-den, but in this light it has shined most brilliantly. I had been eying a beehive for a while... I may be satisfied to wait until next Christmas if this brush continue to perform as it has. :001_tongu
Wow, what a brush! I have a Rooney Heritage Emillion in faux Horn and I LOVE it. I have been eying the Rooney stubby brushes for a while now and your pictures are making it harder to stay away!

I have a question: are the limited edition Rooneys (like this stubby) more densely packed than the heritage brushes?
Wow, what a brush! I have a Rooney Heritage Emillion in faux Horn and I LOVE it. I have been eying the Rooney stubby brushes for a while now and your pictures are making it harder to stay away!

I have a question: are the limited edition Rooneys (like this stubby) more densely packed than the heritage brushes?

In comparison to a 3/1 super, the LE Stubby 1 has a much denser knot. I haven't used any of the other Heritage brushes, but I spent at least half an hour on the phone with Jim from Vintage Blades who described this specific run of 2-Tone LE Stubbies as having a unique and superb knot. I intent to purchase a size 1 Beehive at some point in the future and can better compare the two lines at that point.
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