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Here Ye, Here Ye! To The Clubman Committee I say.....


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A quick question Gents. I just received an update on the shipment progress of my Clubman after shave/cologne order. Now, I know that these products ship in plastic bottles and are no longer available in their previous glass containers. So, I am assuming that the longer these fragrances stay in plastic bottles I believe the product will suffer on scent strength and whatever additives they have in providing after shave skin conditioning properties. For those who have much more experience in using and storing Clubman products, would it be best for me to transfer the product into glass decanter/bottles asap to preserve them for a longer period of time or am I ok with them short term and gradually transferring over time? I know it’s not a life or death question and in the grand scheme of things, it’s virtually non-existent. However, in the wet shave realm this is of the utmost importance for men that protect their grooming experience and keep their hardware, software and men’s toiletries in discerning fashion. Honestly though, any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you purveyors of gentlemanly shave etiquette….:a17:
I store the clubman juices in glass. I have large glass bottles that I keep my stock in (I have cheap access to 1l glass bottles) and smaller shaker bottles for my drawer in the bathroom.

That being said, I don’t see an issue with keeping your stock in plastic. It has actually been pretty rare that I notice much of an improvement in transferring my Clubman aftershaves from plastic to glass. I think the odors caused by the plastic only become noticeable if it has been stored too warm…. I can smell it as soon as I open an affected bottle and it’s been pretty rare. I just like the glass better for aesthetics mostly. I would not stress about it..

I do add glycerine to my Clubman aftershaves. They come as a very basic alcohol splash. I add 4-5 drops per oz of aftershave in the winter and half that or less in the summer. Some people add much less than that and say they like it. In any case, it is an addition that really does improve the experience for me, probably more than anything else.

Have fun, friend.
Yes, they have arrived…..
Oh Yeah, Baby!!




First up, the Tequila Tease… :ihih:

The Citrus Musk Eau de Cologne was next today. Very nice scent. I’m actually more surprised with the Pinaud shave soap. Very, very good lather properties with above average abilities in providing comfortable glide & slickness for the blade to do its work on the whiskers while giving nice skin protection. I is impressed. Did I mention that the Citrus Musk smells great?

Please let us know what you think of the Clubman Shave Soap, Gus. I LOVE IT! :001_wub:

Cal, I just missed your post as I posted my initial thoughts on the soap just prior to this post. The soap is actually quite good, I mean really good. I just added it to my order just to give me a final round number when I ordered the splashes & colognes. I’ll get some more shaves with it and post my thoughts on it in the shave soap category but, this is good stuff! :thumbsup:
Lime Sec today. Really nice lime centric feel. Though I shaved an hour ago and splashed a lavish amount of this juice everywhere, I find that it is very light and almost fleeting like. The initial burst is really nice but, I feel like it’s extremely light. I know, Eau de Cologne strength and I wasn’t expecting all day longevity yet, the Citrus Musk lasted on me almost 6 hours with decent projection for the first 45 mins to an hour which is not bad at all. Maybe I just went nose blind to it rather quickly. We’ll see how it goes.

Nevertheless, still worth it to catch that lime freshness on application after a nice shave. For the $$$, it’s a winner.

Sounds like you're a bit more on the side of Citrus Musk vs Lime Sec? It really seems to be about 50/50 on what one prefers.

I'm currently burning through a sample vial of each. Citrus Musk went first in June, and now in July I'm trying the Lime Sec. For me they're very close cousins, though I think I come down on the side of the Lime Sec. Both are about equally short-lived on me, but that's actually my preference.

I agree with giving the classic Clubman a go, as well as seeing if you're one of the chosen on veg. I'm big fans of both, though the powdery nature of classic Clubman perhaps sits a little too heavy in the very hot months. The veg is my go-to in the spring. Also, +1 on decanting to glass. Mine now go straight into a Boston bottle when I get some - I've had some classic Clubman skunk up on me in the past and it's rather foul when that happens.
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Sounds like you're a bit more on the side of Citrus Musk vs Lime Sec? It really seems to be about 50/50 on what one prefers.

I'm currently burning through a sample vial of each. Citrus Musk went first in June, and now in July I'm trying the Lime Sec. For me they're very close cousins, though I think I come down on the side of the Lime Sec. Both are about equally short-lived on me, but that's actually my preference.

I agree with giving the classic Clubman a go, as well as seeing if you're one of the chosen on veg. I'm big fans of both, though the powdery nature of classic Clubman perhaps sits a little too heavy in the very hot months. The veg is my go-to in the spring. Also, +1 on decanting to glass. Mine now go straight into a Boston bottle when I get some - I've had some classic Clubman skunk up on me in the past and it's rather foul when that happens.

Duly noted.... :thumbup1:
Special Reserve and Classic Vanilla are also must try smells (IMO). Even better is Bootlegger's Eldorado which combines Special Reserve, Classic Vanilla, and Dana's English Leather to make one of the best winter time scents imaginable.
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