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Help with valuing these four Gillette vintage DE's.

I'm really scratching my head at your username. This sort of "what's it worth?" thread is usually frowned upon since it can be construed as mining the knowledge of the members of this forum to turn a quick buck on ebay or... craigslist.

I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but your thread in combination with your username does arouse some suspicion.

If I've got you all wrong, I apologize in advance.

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7. B&B is not an appraisal site. As such, asking values here isn't acceptable behavior. All B&B members, asking and answering, new or old, should be aware that B&B is a community of users, and not an appraisal or identification service for lazy individuals to optimize their sales without having to invest in the B&B community beyond an odd post here and there asking for info.
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I'm really scratching my head at your username. This sort of "what's it worth?" thread is usually frowned upon since it can be construed as mining the knowledge of the members of this forum to turn a quick buck on ebay or... craigslist.

I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but your thread in combination with your username does arouse some suspicion.

If I've got you all wrong, I apologize in advance.

Apology accepted and my apologies back. I am new to this list, so didn't know this was a breach of etiquette. Is that posted somewhere? This kind of question gets asked a lot on other forums I am on (e.g. camping gear related). I was not interested in turning a quick buck. My user name is only because I like to buy things on Craigslist. Ask my wife, I like to purchase items from Craigslist, but I am not a seller there or on Ebay. We are a single income family with six kids and go to Craigslist a lot to acquire items that we could not afford to purchase otherwise. When I decided to try DE shaving, it was with the idea of saving money over cartridge shaving. That in mind, my wife said I could try it if I didn't go hog wild buying a bunch of stuff. I bought a cheap Concord razor to start with on Amazon ($13 if I recall), but know I want something of a better quality. I have an opportunity to buy these razors and am hoping at least one of them will serve as a good replacement for the Concord. Not sure what I would do with the others as I don't see myself as a collector. But, since the seller is selling these as a group, I am hoping the group price is reasonable for the razors being sold.

If my username is offensive, then I will gladly drop it and adopt something else. I hate being misunderstood.

Forum Rules

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. Please make sure that you also read the Forum Etiquette page.

Badger & Blade Terms of Usage

7. B&B is not an appraisal site. As such, asking values here isn't acceptable behavior. All B&B members, asking and answering, new or old, should be aware that B&B is a community of users, and not an appraisal or identification service for lazy individuals to optimize their sales without having to invest in the B&B community beyond an odd post here and there asking for info.

Thanks. I will be sure to read the Forum Etiquette page. I will then drop this post. Sorry for the breach of etiquette. It was not intended.
Thanks. I will be sure to read the Forum Etiquette page. I will then drop this post. Sorry for the breach of etiquette. It was not intended.

It is a fun place here at B&B. We all help each other out but sometime external factors can occur that entails for rules and policies to make things fair and balanced for us.
An honest mistake's an honest mistake. We're happy to tell you about the razors, and you can search through the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum here for past sales or on eBay for completed listings to get an idea what things typically go for. But only you can decide what something's really worth to you.

You've got a decent spread there -- from the '40s-style Super Speed on the far right, back to the '50s-style (far left) and '60s-style flare-tipped Super Speeds (left center), and then the Slim at the right center. They're all good shavers.
An honest mistake's an honest mistake. We're happy to tell you about the razors, and you can search through the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum here for past sales or on eBay for completed listings to get an idea what things typically go for. But only you can decide what something's really worth to you.

You've got a decent spread there -- from the '40s-style Super Speed on the far right, back to the '50s-style (far left) and '60s-style flare-tipped Super Speeds (left center), and then the Slim at the right center. They're all good shavers.

Much appreciated MacDaddy. I should have just asked for an indentification of the razors as I have no idea what each of them are. I tried searching through lots of online pictures of vintage Gillettes and the only one I thought I could nail down was the Slim. I can certainly do research on my own to figure out what they are worth to me if I know what razors I am looking for.
Apology accepted and my apologies back. I am new to this list, so didn't know this was a breach of etiquette. Is that posted somewhere? This kind of question gets asked a lot on other forums I am on (e.g. camping gear related). I was not interested in turning a quick buck. My user name is only because I like to buy things on Craigslist. Ask my wife, I like to purchase items from Craigslist, but I am not a seller there or on Ebay. We are a single income family with six kids and go to Craigslist a lot to acquire items that we could not afford to purchase otherwise. When I decided to try DE shaving, it was with the idea of saving money over cartridge shaving. That in mind, my wife said I could try it if I didn't go hog wild buying a bunch of stuff. I bought a cheap Concord razor to start with on Amazon ($13 if I recall), but know I want something of a better quality. I have an opportunity to buy these razors and am hoping at least one of them will serve as a good replacement for the Concord. Not sure what I would do with the others as I don't see myself as a collector. But, since the seller is selling these as a group, I am hoping the group price is reasonable for the razors being sold.
If my username is offensive, then I will gladly drop it and adopt something else. I hate being misunderstood.
I too love Craigslist. I buy $100.000's dollars worth in cars and many other items off CC. If you like the name then use it ( as long as Craigslist don't object:wink2:) We all love helping each other out and educating our members with information on razors and its history. Many fun members like B&B steward Macdaddy, Mr.Razor, Mblake, all have extensive knowledge on razors and have posted 1,000's of informative threads that have helped countless on the history, value and worth on many razors.

However, we have to adhere to B&B policy as members and sometimes it may seem harsh or unfair to others. The best thing to do is ask/PM the Mods any questions about policy or anything at all, and they will be happy to answer them for you.
Thanks Alex. I now understand the need for the rules on appraisals and for other rules. I am a guest here and hope to someday be a contributor. My apologies for just jumping into the forum without checking out the rules first. This site is amazing and has a ton of information. At this point, it is kind of like drinking from a firehose! I am amazed that someone could take a quick look at the pictures I posted and id those razors. Amazing.
Welcome to B&B. Keep your eyes out for PIFs (play it forwards) - folks often have contests or inexpensive sales to "pay forward" the wetshaving mojo; also the B/S/T forum is good for finding reasonably priced shaving gear, especially if you're on a budget.

It's a fun community and we support each other in our madness gentlemanly pursuits. :001_smile
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