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Help!! Tea noobie

Ok, about the only tea I know how to make is sweet tea. I was in Target the other day and saw these flowering teas that looked...interesting. I've browsed through this forum a couple of times but have sworn to myself that I won't get addicted to tea like I have shaving! The question I have is... how do I brew these? The package says "3 different tea flowers / 9 steeps." Do I just put them in a tea pot, pour hot water over it, let it brew for a few minutes (5-7 the website says), then pour the tea into a different pitcher? If that's how then what to do with the flower afterwards? Is it reusable? If so, how many times and in what period of time (will it spoil)?

Thanks in advance!!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I like to brew these teas in a wine glass. The leaves are tied, and for the most part they don't fall apart, so you can drink straight from the glass. It makes for an impressiive presentation, but the downside is that they often are not made from top quality leaves. No reason why you couldn't get a good one, but I think they're just making them look pretty to sell.

Sure is fun, though. I'll sometimes bring some along to a hotel- keeps the riffraff at bay during breakfast.
A wine glass... what an interesting way to use these. I have not actually tried these but could see where it might be very interesting in a wine glass.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
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