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Help my poor skin!

I have sensitive skin. Even if I don't go against the grain I can't shave every day. Every other day is pushing it. If I go ATG then I can't shave for at least 4, maybe 5 days, otherwise its pure agony and lots of weepers.
I've tried Trumpers skinfood and its pretty good, but it doesn't seem to do the trick. I'd ideally like something that would help my skin heal and condition it so I could shave more frequently (I hate having stubble). If more frequent shaving is not possible, I'd at least like something that will help nourish and heal my skin better. Trumpers Skinfood is great at sealing the pores to keep dirt out, but I just feel like its not doing quite the job. I need something that will work even two or 3 days after shaving. Any ideas?
I think you may be looking for a miracle product that doesn't exist.

Why don't you try using alum after you shave. Leave it on a while and then rinse and then apply your Trumpers. Razo Rock is one brand. Some Turkish websites sell it also.

Also, you might want to wash your face at night with a gentle soap and put on a moisturizer every night before going to bed. We have a forum for skin here where all kinds of moisturizers are discussed. Good luck!
Do you like menthol feel? Poraso pre/post has a lot of that, and soothes, if you like menthol and the menthol feel.

One pass shaving with the grain will produce a Socially Aceptable Shave (SAS) for most people if you shave daily or every other day. A SAS is all most employers require.

I have very sensitive skin and I'm just not a fan of the Trumper Skin Food. Lately I've been having the best results with Proraso Liquid Cream After Shave.

I second the suggestion of moisturizing before bed. You should also make sure you're not using too much pressure with the razor.

I generally only do a one-pass, WTG shave. Nothing wrong with that if it's all your face can handle.

What kind of cream or soap are you using?
After shave, I use Thayers witch hazel, and after that Natures's gate Skin Therapy moisturizing lotion.

Maybe you could try another blade and use no pressure.

I also take orally fish oil capsules and vitamin D.

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