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Help me make Straight razor shaving stick!

Hi all, its been a while....

I got my first Straight razor about three years ago after my wife bought me an Art of Shaving software kit for Christmas and unwittingly turned me into a wet-shaving fanatic. A month or so later I bought a beautifully refurbished Henckel's SE razor off of another B&B user. I unsuccessfully shaved with the razor for about two months before I deployed to Afghanistan and left it at home. I've continued to use the appropriate pre-shave ritual ever since I started, I just had to stick with disposable razors in Afghanistan and then stayed with them for the last few years. I just picked it up again for the first time this morning, and holy crap did I chew up my face. I'm looking for some advice in a couple of areas:

1: How do I know this blade is sharp enough for shaving? I gave it 30 passes on each side of a balsa strop, and then 40 on the leather strop before I started today. It was pulling from stroke one and the grating noise it made as it crossed my whiskers was quite loud. My pre-shave technique is solid, so I think its either the blade or maybe my angle/pressure I'm using.

2: How do I know if I'm stretching my skin tight enough? I feel like I can never get a good grip, even when I wet my fingers and rub them on an alum block. TBH, i've yet to notice a difference between using the alum block and not....

3: Pre-shave oil. I have it. I use it. I don't notice a difference between times when I use it and times when I don't, with a SE or a disposable. My method is usually to get a washcloth soaked with super hot water, press it to my face for about 30 seconds, dry my hands and face, and then apply the oil to soak in as I lather. Should I put it on before the wash cloth? Should I leave my face wet? Should I just dump the whole bottle on my face?

4: Will switching to a DE help me at all? I don;t want to give up on SE shaving altogether, but the months of no progress I had before was discouraging. I've been interested in picking up a DE anyway, and I'm wondering if maybe I switch to that for a while there will be positive habit transfer that will help me with my Straight shaving after a while.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

TL;DR: Help! I suck at shaving and want to not suck at shaving.
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A quick question to clarify things...

Are you talking about a Single Edge Razor or a Straight Razor?
Straight razor. Am I so far removed I have the wrong acronyms too? :blushing:

I just wanted to clear things up. SE normally refers to a Single Edge razor.

I haven't shaved with a straight in a number of years, but I would suggest that your razor needs honing. Trying to learn with a razor which is not up to the task is very frustrating.
You would probably get more and better advice if you asked in the Straight Razor Shave Clinic subforum of the General Straight Razor Talk forum. There are a lot of Straight Razor experts there to help out.
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