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Looking for a vintage razor, not a new one.

I currently have a DE89, 50's Flair Tip, and a Slim. I started with the DE89, got decent shaves, started getting some irritation and nicks, so I switched to the Flair Tip. I've been getting some really good shaves with it with a Red IP lately. Haven't used the Slim much yet.

What should I get for my next razor? I'm looking for something that's easy to shave with for a fairly inexperienced DE shaver. What would you recommend Tech, new, 40's SS, Super Adjustable, Fat Boy, something else? I don't want to spend a lot, would maybe go up to $25-30 for a Fat Boy or SA, otherwise looking in the $10-$20 range. Any and all recommendations are welcomed.
Have you tried any open comb razors? My long tooth Gillette New shaves like a charm. You can usually find them on the cheap, as well. Happy hunting!:biggrin1:
Nope, I've only tried the three I listed above. That was one that I was considering. Found one locally that I might look at next week.
I also started with DE89L and after developing some acceptable technique I recently started branching out. The Gillette Red Tip is by far my favorite. I'm sure you can acquire one for less than $25.
If you're looking for an easy razor to get used to DE shaving with that's not too expensive, I'd recommend either a Gillette blue-tip superspeed, a ball-end tech or a Schick Krona.
You could always snag a GEM/EVERReady/STAR single edge razor, and some blades (Not the Blue Star ones, though) at a local store.

Or if you're going the vintage Gillette route, I will tell my experience is the Slim shaves much better than the Fat Boy.
I bought a Super Speed J-4 to see what the buzz is about. Well, for an ax almost 50 years old, this thing is in beautiful shape. The only thing I dislike is that the handle is not as long as I've become accustomed to from my disposable shaver years.

It's a fine design, and was built to go the distance. I'd try one.

Oh, I hang it next to a new Weishi I had to buy. I see why these are so popular; they are very similar in design if not in workmanship to the SS.

Go fer it! :001_smile
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