Hello everyone,
As my title suggests, I'm a little stumped on what to use for my wedding shave. I'm getting married in 12 days (June 2nd) in Cleveland, OH. According to Weather.com, it should be around high 70's to low 80's on that day, if that helps.
I know what razor and blade I will be using that day. My Y-4 President with an Iridium. That has been known for months now and I've made sure it will be solid shave. Brush has also been decided. I'll be using my favorite brush, a Shavemac D01, 2-band, extreme flat-top (22x44) in a marble handle. This brush is perfect for me, as it kills just about everything I throw at it and I've used it on so many of my products that it will guarantee me a perfect lather on that special day.
So really, I need help with 2 things, soap and aftershave.
I've narrowed the soap to 3 things: Yardley, MdC, and P160 duro.
I have the following ASB's
As my title suggests, I'm a little stumped on what to use for my wedding shave. I'm getting married in 12 days (June 2nd) in Cleveland, OH. According to Weather.com, it should be around high 70's to low 80's on that day, if that helps.
I know what razor and blade I will be using that day. My Y-4 President with an Iridium. That has been known for months now and I've made sure it will be solid shave. Brush has also been decided. I'll be using my favorite brush, a Shavemac D01, 2-band, extreme flat-top (22x44) in a marble handle. This brush is perfect for me, as it kills just about everything I throw at it and I've used it on so many of my products that it will guarantee me a perfect lather on that special day.
So really, I need help with 2 things, soap and aftershave.
I've narrowed the soap to 3 things: Yardley, MdC, and P160 duro.
I have the following ASB's
4711 AS splash Adidas AS AOS lavender balm AOS lemon aftershave gel AOS sandalwood ASB AOS sandalwood gel Aqua Velva Balm CF Lavender full size balm CF lime full size balm DR Harris Arlington AS splash DR Harris Cucumbers and Roses La Toja ASB L'Occitane Cade Splash Musgo AS splash Musgo ASB Musgo Real No.2 Oak Moss Nivea ASB Pennhaligon's BB ASB Royall Mandarin SCS Dagger AS SCS Dagger AS Milk Speick ASB Taylor 74 AS Taylor Shave Shop Truefitt & Hill 1805 ASB Twinluxe ASB |
So what would you all pick if you had these options. I'm up for suggestions, even if you haven't tried all of them. |