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Help me decide on my wedding shave

Hello everyone,

As my title suggests, I'm a little stumped on what to use for my wedding shave. I'm getting married in 12 days (June 2nd) in Cleveland, OH. According to Weather.com, it should be around high 70's to low 80's on that day, if that helps.

I know what razor and blade I will be using that day. My Y-4 President with an Iridium. That has been known for months now and I've made sure it will be solid shave. Brush has also been decided. I'll be using my favorite brush, a Shavemac D01, 2-band, extreme flat-top (22x44) in a marble handle. This brush is perfect for me, as it kills just about everything I throw at it and I've used it on so many of my products that it will guarantee me a perfect lather on that special day.

So really, I need help with 2 things, soap and aftershave.

I've narrowed the soap to 3 things: Yardley, MdC, and P160 duro.

I have the following ASB's

4711 AS splash
Adidas AS
AOS lavender balm
AOS lemon aftershave gel
AOS sandalwood ASB
AOS sandalwood gel
Aqua Velva Balm
CF Lavender full size balm
CF lime full size balm
DR Harris Arlington AS splash
DR Harris Cucumbers and Roses
La Toja ASB
L'Occitane Cade Splash
Musgo AS splash
Musgo ASB
Musgo Real No.2 Oak Moss
Nivea ASB
Pennhaligon's BB ASB
Royall Mandarin
SCS Dagger AS
SCS Dagger AS Milk
Speick ASB
Taylor 74 AS
Taylor Shave Shop
Truefitt & Hill 1805 ASB
Twinluxe ASB
So what would you all pick if you had these options. I'm up for suggestions, even if you haven't tried all of them.
What's your fiancee's favorite? That would be what I would choose. Let her pick it since she will be up close all day and night :)
What's your fiancee's favorite? That would be what I would choose. Let her pick it since she will be up close all day and night :)

I'm letting her pick the cologne as that is what will likely linger the most. I got the idea from Mike (antique hoosier) as he described his wedding shave. I think it's important for her to pick the cologne. I've found that most of the ASB's I use often go well with my selection of colognes so a cologne/as clash is likely not going to happen.
If it was me, I'd pick Rexona for Men, or any other balm that you know doesn't leave you with a wet glistening look. Remember all the flash photography that is going to be happening. You don't want your forehead and face shiny and while your bride's is doing the opposite. Makes her look older for starters.

If I were into shaving before I got married, I would have taken myself and the groomsmen to a barber and gotten straight razor shaves for all of us. But, I realize that takes time and money, both of which are very scarce before a wedding.
you wanna play it safe on a day like that ... let the bride-to-be decide on your aftershave.

Remember, they're not called SWMBO for nothing, y'know!
I recall you are one of the few P.160 freaks around here like me, so I would definitely suggest that. I am surprised you don't have the RazoRock R-160 yet. I have not tried most of your AS list, but I would suggest the T&H 1805.

Best of luck on the big day!
For soap choice I would definitely go with MdC since it's the only choice still in production.
The logic behind that choice being that it's the one soap of your choices that will still be around for years to come.
What if you'd like to use the same products for a special anniversary, the birth of a child, who knows what else... wouldn't you want to make sure you'd be able to get your hands on the soap?
If I were into shaving before I got married, I would have taken myself and the groomsmen to a barber and gotten straight razor shaves for all of us. But, I realize that takes time and money, both of which are very scarce before a wedding.

After all the straight razor barber shave horror stories I've read here......no thanks.
go with something lightly scented just to be on the safe side as far as a cologne/as conflict goes, i'd suggest either of the DR Harris after-shaves.
I recall you are one of the few P.160 freaks around here like me, so I would definitely suggest that. I am surprised you don't have the RazoRock R-160 yet. I have not tried most of your AS list, but I would suggest the T&H 1805.

Best of luck on the big day!

I have the R-160 on order and I hear it's pretty much the same scent as P160. My order from Joe is on it's way. Hopefully it gets here by Saturday so I can test it and see if I like it enough for wedding shave.

For soap choice I would definitely go with MdC since it's the only choice still in production.
The logic behind that choice being that it's the one soap of your choices that will still be around for years to come.
What if you'd like to use the same products for a special anniversary, the birth of a child, who knows what else... wouldn't you want to make sure you'd be able to get your hands on the soap?

You make a very good point. Hopefully my 850 iridiums are enough to last me for other major life events. I have 2.5 kilos of P160 and might treat myself to more for birthday gift if Joe still has some come October. Yardley will be tough to keep as I only have 4 bowls and is becoming harder to find. It looks like MdC will be likely to stay for a while so it could be something to consider.

go with something lightly scented just to be on the safe side as far as a cologne/as conflict goes, i'd suggest either of the DR Harris after-shaves.

i'm really enjoying the DR Harris cucumber and roses. Need to see if it passes the SWMBO test. I'll see how the R-160 is like and maybe that will swade me towards making it a P160 theme shave.

Antique Hoosier

One of the most FUN things I've done as a member of Badger & Blade was constructing my wedding day shave indeed! My wife Melissa suggests that your bride "pair" something with you as she wore Floris to my Floris May 11th.


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