I'd love help identifying a lot of razors I just purchased. I bought them off of ebay and I'm sure I paid too much(please don't remind me) and I know what maybe half of them are but I'm clueless on the rest. I can post pictures from the auction.

I know that from left to right on the top I have a Lady Gillette, I don't know the difference between those two ball end techs, a knack?, a black handle superspeed, a blue tip super speed, a fat boy, a slim adjustable, a black handled adjustable, a longer black handled adjustable(black beauty?) and a double ring? That last one, the one I think is a double ring is TTO.

I know that from left to right on the top I have a Lady Gillette, I don't know the difference between those two ball end techs, a knack?, a black handle superspeed, a blue tip super speed, a fat boy, a slim adjustable, a black handled adjustable, a longer black handled adjustable(black beauty?) and a double ring? That last one, the one I think is a double ring is TTO.