These are all highly subjective questions, and you are unlikely to get a satisfactory answer here. I'm no expert, but here's my attempt to answer your queries:How would this razor rank as far as quality, price, desirability? Still looking for anyone's opinions on all the questions stated above.
I paid $18 for the falcon. There was another razor with an Indian head engraved on the blade. I problem shoulda bought it, but he wouldn't go down on prices and The edge on it needed a lot of nick removal( he wanted more for it), and I just wanted one good old razor to shave with. The steel does seem really good. I just got done removing all the nicks (worked me down to fine, honed n shaved with t last night great shave!) an I've taken it to my translucent Arkansas n it's starting to cut hairs on the hanging hair test. I'll take my surgical Arkansas and then my barbers razor hone stone to it an it will be passin the hangin hair Test by then.
You sir are correct. I took it too the surgical arkie n it was silent cutter on the hangin hair test. Took it to the gone n it wouldn't do anything on the test!!! Took it back to the surgical n I'm about to go shave now. My only guess is the ceramic seems to catch the valse alot more, so it's pullin on the edge more than the surgical n ain't polishing it as much. Cus it does feel finer than the Arkansas, but it won't put as keen of an edge on. I use the Arkansas surgical to polish the edge on all my knives because a well polished edge cuts and lasts longer.Maybe you have a different barber hone that I have never heard of, but I think you would be working backwards taking a razor that was finished on a surgical black arkie and run it over your barbers hone. I had a surgical black and it was much finer and put a nicer edge on my razors than any barber hone I've owned.