It looks to be gold plated or bronze. It has on the outside bottom Pat. Nov. 15. 04. No markings on the head. On the inside barrel it has A330217. Any help appreciated.
I suspect that gold color you're seeing is where the silver has worn off over the tears. The black stuff is tarnished silver. It will come Up nicely after a baking soda and aluminum foil bath.
Looks like the teeth and head are in pretty good condition. Nice find!
This is a more interesting Single Ring than it would appear at first glance, if I'm reading your serial number correctly. A380217 would put it smack in the range of serials that we've recorded for the Signature Single Rings, but it would appear that yours hasn't got the signature. We'd collected one other data point up in the 400,000s that barely overlapped with just one of the known signature models on our list, but yours sits well inside the range of examples that we've seen, which start down in the 370,000s.
@MacDaddy the serial # reads actually A330217.
Was very excited to find it. Was at a local antique store and got this and a boxed 1947 Super Speed for $13 together. So is baking soda the best way to clean it?? The teeth do look nice and straight and there all there.