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Help identifying old Gillette open comb (Shell motor oil stamp)

I have an offer to buy old Gillette razor, can anyone identify it?
And considering it‘s condition can it be restored?
(Shell motor oil stamped on handle)

I'm new at this but, that looks like a plain jane old type that someone had etched and etched crooked at that. Maybe it was a promo item?
Looks like a 1920's brownie to me but the case is not right with the snap. I would differ anything to Alex if he sees this post. There does not seem to be light knurling on the handle though, so it may have been sanded off for the stamping.
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No, I think just on a handle.
MacDaddy, i just saw your post "a seller's overly optimistic..." It brought tears to my eyes.:sad:
Man, I'd be torn about that set. If the price is reasonable, I'd probably take it just for the imprint on the handle. I suppose it's possible that Gillette made (or tried to make, if the pressman wasn't drunk :lol: ) promotional sets with names stamped in the handle. But I've never seen one. Thought it was done on the razor head/cap or on the case only. Still, it's unusual enough to be of interest and, while dirty, it looks like the razor is usable.

If it hadn't been for a seller's overly optimistic estimations of the strength of a padded envelope I would have had a set with that same case -- seems like basically a cheaper paper-covered version of the leather Pocket Edition cases.

Holy crap. That's horrible. I've also been encountering it with recent eBay purchases recently -just tossed in a padded envelope with no extra padding or anything. One case was partially sprung and off center, but not destroyed to that extent. Once an item is sold, the seller should treat it like it's someone else's valuable. Unless the USPS has suddenly developed a reputation for handling delicate items that I'm unaware of.
I agree with Porter, these sets were given out as premiums in boxes of soap, cigars, gum or even insides jeans/pants pockets. They were called Combination Sales Razors or Handle and Blade (H&B) sets. They came in small clasp envelopes or cardboard boxes. They were free with purchase in order to get new Gillette customers who would buy a lot of blades, and may upgrade to a better razor.
Some of these H&b sets were etched or stamped with the name of the product that they purchased (Ivory soap or Shell oil). Like Porter said these inexpensive Old Type Sets came in a leatherette or cloth covered cases in Pocket Edition fashion. It was Gillette way of flooding the market so they can keep the Gillette brand in the public eye.
If it hadn't been for a seller's overly optimistic estimations of the strength of a padded envelope I would have had a set with that same case -- seems like basically a cheaper paper-covered version of the leather Pocket Edition cases.

I can't say that I've ever seen a promotional Gillette with a message on the handle like that. Although, we may well be looking at the reason why there, too. :wink2: Is the cap etched, too, or is it just the handle?
I remember that one
This type of situation is why neutral feedback is an option on eBay. That is what I would give this guy with a succinct comment explaining why. I am a 100% positive feedback member of eBay myself, if I were to sell something like this I would protect it VERY well.
I found a promotional Old Type at an antique store for $6.00. It cleaned up nice and is a fantastic shaver.


  • $Gillette Ball Tech 011.jpg
    $Gillette Ball Tech 011.jpg
    19.4 KB · Views: 214
My father in law works for Fairbanks Scales, I found an Ball Handled old type with Fairbanks on the cap. Got it for him. He loves it, but won't use it.
I have a razor that looks a lot like the OP's Shell Oil one, but it has no promo name and no Gillette trademark. All it has is a serial number (J + 5 digits). I suppose it could be a 1917 old style, but why is there no Gillette stamp on it? Is it a knock-off? If so, it looks remarkably similar to my old style Gillette ball-end. Did the Soviets make knock-offs of Gillette razors? Or did they not stamp the Brownies?

Any thoughts?
Thats a cool set, I would buy it for sure (if its not too expensive)
It looks pretty rough in the picture, but it can be cleaned and polished to make it look really nice.
Very unique advertising piece, have not seen a stamped handle like that before.
Let us know if you get this one
I have a razor that looks a lot like the OP's Shell Oil one, but it has no promo name and no Gillette trademark. All it has is a serial number (J + 5 digits). I suppose it could be a 1917 old style, but why is there no Gillette stamp on it? Is it a knock-off? If so, it looks remarkably similar to my old style Gillette ball-end. Did the Soviets make knock-offs of Gillette razors? Or did they not stamp the Brownies?

The J-series number would be one from Gillette's contract with the U.S. Army during WWI. Those razors weren't stamped with the usual Gillette diamond logo or the "Made in U.S.A." inscription. Instead they'd have "Property U.S. Army" stamped under the guard plate, which can sometimes be very faint.

The J-series number would be one from Gillette's contract with the U.S. Army during WWI. Those razors weren't stamped with the usual Gillette diamond logo or the "Made in U.S.A." inscription. Instead they'd have "Property U.S. Army" stamped under the guard plate, which can sometimes be very faint.

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That is a very good idea. I have one of those US Army razors. So, I went and compared them. They are virtually identical, except there is no stamp reading "Property of U.S. Army." I looked very carefully. It is scratched, but there is no writing. Still, it seems to be the best available theory. Thanks!
That is a very good idea. I have one of those US Army razors. So, I went and compared them. They are virtually identical, except there is no stamp reading "Property of U.S. Army." I looked very carefully. It is scratched, but there is no writing. Still, it seems to be the best available theory. Thanks!
That is no theory, its a set standard ID for Gillette U.S. Army razors. They had the serial number on guard beginning with the letters E, F, G, H, J (1918-19) Or the letter K in 1919-1920. Three half million were sold to the army in 1918.
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Please forgive me for resurrecting a dead thread, but, Alex, have you or any others noticed a pattern in the "Made in..." typeface of the original old type vs the Old Type (after the New came out C. 1920)? In my limited sample set, it seems the original (1904) and the New Type used sans serif lettering, while the then entry-level Old Type used a serif style typeface. Is this true? Was it an inconsistent coincidence that my sample size was incapable of measuring?
Just Curious.
Thank you.

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Please forgive me for resurrecting a dead thread, but, Alex, have you or any others noticed a pattern in the "Made in..." typeface of the original old type vs the Old Type (after the New came out C. 1920)? In my limited sample set, it seems the original (1904) and the New Type used sans serif lettering, while the then entry-level Old Type used a serif style typeface. Is this true? Was it an inconsistent coincidence that my sample size was incapable of measuring?
Just Curious.
Thank you.

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The NEW did not come out in 1920, it came out in late 1929-30. The New Improved came out in 1921. The letter stamping could have varied on some models, Gillette manufacturing was not an exact science as you will find out by reading B&B threads past, present and future.
Please forgive me for resurrecting a dead thread, but, Alex, have you or any others noticed a pattern in the "Made in..." typeface of the original old type vs the Old Type (after the New came out C. 1920)? In my limited sample set, it seems the original (1904) and the New Type used sans serif lettering, while the then entry-level Old Type used a serif style typeface. Is this true? Was it an inconsistent coincidence that my sample size was incapable of measuring?
Just Curious.
Thank you.

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Your Double Ring has Made in USA in sans lettering?
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