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Help dating razor

I picked up 4 razors earlier today. I have been able to date two of them. A 1912 Ever Ready and a mid 40's 'New' Valet autostrop - never used in box with original blades and strop and it is beautiful. Anyway, I have two open comb Gillette, they look to have ball end handles one with a serial number the other without. The one with a number has L118377
any help dating these would be awesome - I can't post pics right now - cant figure out how from iPad and I won't be home till next week. Oh, I I did pick up a Ever Ready 100 brush in great shape too.
Can anyone tell me how to upload pics from my iPad? In layman's terms please. I have tried to take a couple pics to upload and can't get them to post on here.
From shave Wiki: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/US_Gillette_Dating_Information

In 1930 Gillette stopped using serial numbers on razors. So razors made from 1930-49 can be difficult to date precisely. However, blades made in those years were stamped with a date code: A for 1930, B for 1931, etc., plus 1-4 for the year quarter. So "A-1" means January-March 1930. In 1950 this system was expanded to include razors, too (see below). If a vintage razor is found with its original blades, the blade codes can be used to establish a rough date for the razor. This is not 100% accurate, since the blades may not be original or may have been made before or after the razor.
L is about 1940 or 1941 I think

There are no Ball End Open Combs in 1941 that i am aware of. http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/US_Gillette_Dating_Information

Production YearModels ProducedNotes
1930The NEW (1929-1940?)Gold plated Big Fellow intro'd as NEW Big Boy Deluxe. In this year only De Luxe models were numbered, starting with 1-D, and often the final D was omitted. Kroman blade introduced. Patent fight and merger with Auto Strop. Stock falls from over $100 to below $30.
1931GoodwillHenry J. Gaisman (Auto Stop) succeeds tainted management after financial scandals. Stock falls below $5. King Camp Gillette resigns as President.
1932Blue Blade introduced. Death of King Camp Gillette on July 9, 1932
1934Gillette Aristocrat 1930sThe Aristocrat becomes the first Gillette TTO razor.
19383 Piece Tech (1938-1979)SenatorThin Blade introduced. Gaisman retires, succeeded by J.P. Spang, Jr. New emphasis on sports advertising.
1939"World Series Special" Tech.
1940Regent TechRegent Tech introduced as the first closed-comb TTO.
1941Aristocrat (1941, 1946-1951)Ranger TechMilord (1941, 1946-1953)"Cavalcade of Sports" theme introduced.
1942War Production Board orders dedicated military production for all razors and most blades.
1944War Production Board lifts orders late in 1944.
The L is a returned razor for repairs according to Krumholtz ( which may contain unreliable data) , the serial number is [L]118377 puts it in the 1907 series, The [L] is not used due to its repair designation.
So 118377 starts at A1‑A195424 which is 1907. [members please correct this if it is wrong]


I am interested in this number series, I will do more research when i get home later. $DSC01671.jpg
The L is a returned razor for repairs according to Krumholtz ( which may contain unreliable data) , the serial number is [L]118377 puts it in the 1907 series, The [L] is not used due to its repair designation.
So 118377 starts at A1‑A195424 which is 1907. [members please correct this if it is wrong]


I am interested in this number series, I will do more research when i get home later. View attachment 354005

That's awesome - any info you could relay would be greatly appreciated. I bought two of them, one doesn't have any serial number and the barrel is cracked. I only paid $10 bucks for both of them. I am on the road and when I get home I will clean on them. The pics are just how I got them.
not 1920? Can't be 1907 that was single ring time.

J Series all U.S. military
102Big Fellow introduced.
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K927217-N459887102 Diamond and Arrow reduced to 7/8
not 1920? Can't be 1907 that was single ring time.

J Series all U.S. military
102Big Fellow introduced.
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K927217-N459887102 Diamond and Arrow reduced to 7/8
Maybe I am reading this wrong, But Gillette did not make a L series razor for this razor [1966 is the next L razor date]. So I assume we cant go by L118377. That is why I am thinking the only 118377 number range is in the 1907 A series-A1‑A195424.

Next would be the Double rings dates- 1904- 1‑45424, but we obviously cant go by that......[i have to research more because i have never had this question asked about the L series razor]

here is some reference from Kruholtz:

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