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Help/Advice Needed With My Straight Razor

I posted this is in the general forum, thought maybe I should have put it here

OK, I bought a Shumate straight razor from an antique store recently. It is in very good condition. No nicks, no rust, nothing. I sent it off to be professionally honed at my shave shop here in OKC. It came back. It cut hair on my arm. I stropped it before I used it....and it still feels like I am using a VERY dull cartridge razor. It barely shaves any hair off my face. it feels like its pulling the entire time.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bad razor? More honing? Any help is appreciated.


I posted this is in the general forum, thought maybe I should have put it here

OK, I bought a Shumate straight razor from an antique store recently. It is in very good condition. No nicks, no rust, nothing. I sent it off to be professionally honed at my shave shop here in OKC. It came back. It cut hair on my arm. I stropped it before I used it....and it still feels like I am using a VERY dull cartridge razor. It barely shaves any hair off my face. it feels like its pulling the entire time.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bad razor? More honing? Any help is appreciated.



Sounds like it is not shave ready. Are you stretching the skin to keep it taut/flat? Are you using a flat/shallow angle? If you are and the blade continues to pull then it wasn't properly honed and it is not shave-ready. Don't send it to the same place, instead send it to a trusted member here that offers honing services.
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It is possible that you messed up the edge by your stropping. I would send it out for someone to evaluate the edge and then hone it for you. I would also have that person strop it before they send it to you. Your first shave you should lather and shave.
^ +1 what he said. a shave ready razor is something some shops are just not familiar with. u should have one just so u know what a truly shave ready edge is. tom
I would ask what they used to hone it with (synthetics? naturals?)...just outta curiosity..

There is the possibility that your stropping may be off too...
If it was shave ready by a trusted source then you would feel the difference. Even if you've never seen it before you would be able to tell the fineness of a good honing. Its amazing. I'd contact the doc from above to see if he's available.
my first shaves were very rough too. angle should be a spine's width, thereabouts. I tried about a 30 degree angle first shave, coming from DEs.

Doc226 has the best edges by far, that I've felt to date. and he's quick too. and you may be stropping poorly. I think I did as well when I started.
I'd watch out for the 30 degree angle. Get to steep with a straight razor is going to bite you. of course nothing is more manly than a big gash on your cheek. just tell them, that's right I straight shave.
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Thank you guy for all the good advice. I went by the Shave Shop that honed it. I am going to take it in to them today to see if, by chance, its jut my technique that's the issue. I'll let you know what I find out
Thank you guy for all the good advice. I went by the Shave Shop that honed it. I am going to take it in to them today to see if, by chance, its jut my technique that's the issue. I'll let you know what I find out

Ask them to preform a hanging hair test in front of you, it isn't a 100% guarantee, but can't hurt.
If you do conclude that your stropping is sound and you suspect that it was not honed properly, then I would recommend sending your blade to one of the members to have it honed. There are plenty of ppl here (me included) that wouldbe willing to hone your razor for free. :)
It's great to see the level of support available here. I'm waiting on the hardware to dip my toe into the straight world after several months of DE shaving, a move I would be unlikely to make without you gents!

Good luck, Brad. Definitely let us know what you find out. I, for one, am watching and learning.
It is possible that you messed up the edge by your stropping. I would send it out for someone to evaluate the edge and then hone it for you. I would also have that person strop it before they send it to you. Your first shave you should lather and shave.
This is my thought as well
Well, i never got to have the shave shop check my razor the other day. I went in several times, and he was back with a shave client every time. BUT, Santa brought me a straight razor from Whippeddog.com. And I used it last night night. MUCH different. It is still a technique issue, as i had to make several more passes than I had to with my Parker Shavette. But i DID get a good shave, and I willl work on angles of attack, etc... knowing that I'm doing it with a good razor
And thank you to everyone for all of the advice, and the offers to hone my razor. i want to give the Shave Shop a chance, because they are good guys. However, if they can't get it worked out, I do plan to take you guys up on your offers. Thank you
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