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Heavier or Lighter Razor

Do you prefer a very heavy razor (Merkur 38C, Vision) or a lighter one (Gillette Superspeeds)? Why?

I find lighter razors to be more easily maneuverable, while heavy razors give a more effortless "zero pressure" shave, since they are heavy enough to really do all the work.
i use heavier razors when i have time, i like some good heft. when i'm in hurry however, it's nice to be able to go a bit quicker with something like a superspeed and not be to worried about slicing myself up.
Heavy razors. I find that I can let the razor do the cutting while I tend to press a little with the flyweight ones. Pressure usually leads to nicks and razor burn for me. YMMV, of course.
I'm getting to be a lightweight fan myself. Although I have and like my flare-tip SS's & Slims, my favorite razor these days is the lowly black-handled Super Speed, aka "Little Black Beauty". It's light and maneuverable - kind of like driving a sports car around my face, but I long for a longer handle.

As you can see from my sig line, I'm thinking that the long-handled Black Beauty might combine both the lightness and maneuverability of my SS with the adjustability and handle length of my Slim. Anyone out there have a nice one you'd like to part with?
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I have both the Aristocrat #16 (72g) and the plastic-tipped Schick Krona (35g) and they both shave great.

So no preference.

Now if we were to discuss blades . . .
I usually like heavier razors. I find them more comfortable and better balanced. I also have a lightweight Krona and a lightweight Tech that I like as well because I find them very maneuverable.
Weight gives a DE razor part of its effectiveness, along with blade gap - something weenie razors have neither of, as they glide effortlessly over your face (AND BEARD):lol:
Got to go with heavy so far. I usually reach for my 38C. Latley I've been trying out a couple of Gillettes I picked up from an antique site. The 30's open comb Gillette is shaving pretty well but I have to say I end up missing the weight of the 38C.
I think I fall more into the lightweight category, with an additional preference for head-heavy overall balance. I like a light handle so that I can get better feedback as I shave, and it just feels better to me. Put another way, with a heavy handle, I guess I feel more detached from the shave. I don't get that instant feedback through the razor, and it's bothersome.

Admittedly though, I have only about 4 months experience with DE shaving, so my preferences probably still are being formed.
I prefer heavier razors, definitely. They just lay better in my hand, glide easier across my skin, shave closer without any pressure. They simply work for me.
i must admit my preference is for heavy, that said, balance between handle and head is the most important thing for me.
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