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Headshaver SE of Choice - Questions

Hello and good weekend fellow headshavers.

Over the course of the past two days, I picked up a GEM G-Bar, GEM Micromatic x 2 [Flying Wing Guiding Eye and Clog Pruf].

Today's shave was a combo of the GBar and the Colg Pruf. I tried using a blade with two shaves under its belt but it wasn't getting the job done so I swapped to a fresh ted pella ptfe. I achieved bbs but it took a while.

I've only done a handful of SE shaves as I prefer DE's typically. Does anyone have any tips for using SEs on the dome?

Do you find that using a SE is different than a DE? Can I chalk it up to inexperience as to why it was so difficult for me today?

Thanks. I haven't seen any OCMM in the wild yet so I haven't been able to pick one up.

I tried handstroping my blade after use and spraying it with alcohol. Any other tips for maintaining blades

Edit​: Here are some pics.



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I love the g-bar for a head shave, and just about anything else. Far and away one of my favorite razors. But I've never be able to get mor than one decent shave out of a single edge blade.
gday Bryan - my weapons of choice for headshaving are g-bar (90%) and headblade (10%). I find SE blades give me a rough face shave with plenty of weepers despite which razor I put them into but when it comes to headshaving they are in a class of their own (for me). I use GEM PTFE blades and can easily get 6-8 good headshaves out of each one.

a trick that I use is one that's recommended for face/neck shaving and that's mapping the growth patterns, I call it headmapping.

I normally shave my head in ATG 1pass and then touch up if I've missed any spots. here is my method:

first part:after washing my head and lathering up (I headshave in the shower) I hold the g-bar close to the end of the handle as I would if faceshaving. I place the cap on my forehead just below where my hairline used to start :biggrin1: and shave upwards to the crown of my head.I work my way across the top of my head basically running the razor from the ends of my eyebrows to the crown - this is ATG for me.

second part: next is over the ears. I start where my sideburns are and continue to shave up towards the crown. I bend/pull the top of my ears out of the way with my free hand to get those sneaky little hairs hidden in behind the top curve of the ear. before moving on sometimes I will give a quick XTG front to back on this section as occasionally the hand rub test will find a little stubble.

third part: laying the cap flat at the base of my lathered neck I shave upwards to my hairline. these hairs tend to be softer and harder to feel than headhairs so I take a bit of extra time with this or get the chillibabe to shave my neck for me.

fourth part: razor at the base of the hairline at the back of my head, again shaving upwards towards the crown. I do 'half-strokes' across the back of my head as the hair is thickest there and the razor clogs quickly. once I've finished the lower half of the back of my head I do the top half and remainder of the crown. ATG.

last part: I rinse off and do the hand rub test and will touch up any little bits I've missed. this part is easy as I know where my trouble spots are and it's a quick finish.

all up it takes me about 10 minutes.

I'd recommend the following:
- if you have a few days growth use comb-less clippers on your head pre-shave so your hair is 1-2mm high. this will make your razor less likely to clog and the hair will be spiky and easy to feel when shaving it. if it is longer it tends to lie down and sometimes makes it harder to tell if you've cut it or not, esp on the back of the head.
- if you shave in the shower use a shaving mirror. I use one for front and sides and it helps to speed up the shave and improve the quality, especially if you are experimenting with new razors. I shave the back by feel.
- remember to moisturise after the shave. I use Headblade glossy. it feels great.
- I use a brush and shave soap/cream for my head - it helps get the hair ready and I like using a brush for practical and ceremonial purposes. when the brush is lathered the shave is on!
- don't ever slide the razor sideways as you will probably slice yourself
- you don't need much pressure due to the softness of the hair, just work on keeping the cap flat on your head. it will also work with the back of the cap slightly elevated but start out with the flat cap.
- if after one pass you are not satisfied then do a second pass, there's nothing wrong with that. just make sure you check your pressure and angle as you don't want to come away with an irritated/nicked head, it's a bit harder to hide head damage when out in public.
I have an OCMM I've used on my head. I just make sure my lather is real good, I go slow, watch blade angle, and USE NO PRESSURE. I get good results, equal or better than a DE.
Thanks for tips.

I think I have it down pat but it definitely feels different compared to a DE. I was questioning whether or not I was actually shaving hair... but my BBS skin tells another story =]
in the time it took for me to make my post seems you had changed your post a bit because I thought you had said your g-bar shaves were not good ones. glad you are getting bbs.
The end result was good but it was difficult to achieve. Since then I've shaved my face and it went very well. Utilized your tips :)
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