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Head Shaving

Hi everyone,

I am considering shaving my head once my hairline recedes to a certain point. I'm just wondering if anyone here uses their DE razor for a head shave or do you use a cartridge razor. I've also seen the headblade which looks like a fancy cartridge razor for the head.

Also do you do similar prep and use the same products as with a normal DE face shave? Do you apply pre-shave oil and apply aftershave balm to your head?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
I prefer to use a Schick sensor for head shaving. Quick and glides over the contours nicely. Only two blades so the feed back is great. I shave in the shower and after I shave my face. I don't use pre shave. I lather using a brush and using whatever cream is left in the brush from my face. I rarely have to add more. I cold water rinse before I get out and then splash witch hazel on my head. I sometimes use a balm. I use alum on my face, rinse and then my choice of AS splash followed by balm if needed.
I just did my first DE head shave an hour ago.I have used a headblade for a long time but I think they will be sitting in the drawer more now.I used a EJ 89 and an Astra blade with Stirling anise shave soap.I hadn't scrapped my skull in well over a month and was back to a full head of hair.I did like I always do and buzzed it off with clippers but then I lathered up with The anise,I usually use headslick,and started scrapping.It took longer but my head isn't feeling all razor burned like it usually does.When I wait this long between skull scrapings since the cartridges clog so bad,I usually use an old cartridge for the first pass or 2,a new cart after and a disposable to get things like my injury dent.This time just one razor blade did everything and even my face.It sure comes out cheaper,just as close and less pain.The Headblade is a lot faster but some of that is just me being a noob to DE razors.I think it's worth the extra time......plus lathering my scalp with the badger brush feels good after a couple passes.I have never tried any oil and never use aftershave,a lot of aftershave stinks make me feel sick.
I shave my head once a week with a DE.

I use a progress on the highest setting, then second pass is on 3. Lovely and close. I also find it easier than a cart too as no clogging.

It also feels great after!
I'm okay with it taking a little longer. I find shaving very relaxing, and some of my best thinking occurs when I have my razor in hand. I think I would find a DE head shave once a week or so, very enjoyable assuming I don't gash my head. :) I'll have to try it in the future.
Hi everyone,

I am considering shaving my head once my hairline recedes to a certain point. I'm just wondering if anyone here uses their DE razor for a head shave or do you use a cartridge razor. I've also seen the headblade which looks like a fancy cartridge razor for the head.

Also do you do similar prep and use the same products as with a normal DE face shave? Do you apply pre-shave oil and apply aftershave balm to your head?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

I started shaving my head back in '98 with Sensor Excels, moved up to Mach 3 then Fusions. When I started DE on my face I also started DE on my head. Now I'm straight shaving both. The only difference is I make more lather when I'm going to shave my head, and I only shave my head every other face shave. The hair "up there" doesn't grow quite as fast as my face...

I use the same products for both, haven't used oil since before I started with brushes. I do apply aftershave on both my face and head, whether it's one of my AS or ASBs.

Did you have more specific questions? Anything in particular that you're curious about?


Hi everyone,

I am considering shaving my head once my hairline recedes to a certain point. I'm just wondering if anyone here uses their DE razor for a head shave or do you use a cartridge razor. I've also seen the headblade which looks like a fancy cartridge razor for the head.

Welcome to B&B! :badger:

I did the same, once I started sunburning my scalp (a few years ago). :cool1: I started going shorter and shorter with clippers until I ended up with a Mach III, now I'm hooked on a daily BBS DE shave.

Also do you do similar prep and use the same products as with a normal DE face shave? Do you apply pre-shave oil and apply aftershave balm to your head?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

Prep is the same for my head as it is for my face - I have a puck of Williams in the shower, right when I get in a lather up head & face & leave it on, rinsing it just before I get out.

If I haven't shaved in a couple days, I do use Avon Skin So Soft as a pre-shave after showering, but only on my head.

Post shave I like to use a very small amount of Trader Joe's unscented lotion - my scalp seems to dry a bit more than my face.

I generally use a Flare Tip Super Speed, but have been getting into a Super Adjustable, Slim, and a couple of straight razors (have only completed one straight razor dome shave so far...).

As JerYnkFan pointed out, there is a Head Shaver's Check in thread with a lot of great tips, tricks and experiences:


Enjoy! :thumbup:
I use a Headblade (the older sport version works best I find, not the newer ATX version which I also own) and I use the 2 blade cheaper Atra cartridges that are really cheap and readily available on Ebay and Amazon. I have used a DE before but I find the Headblade the easiest and quickest with the least chance of nicks or skin irritation. Once you learn how to use it properly (no pressure!) it is really fast and effective. For lather, I use my brushes and whatever shave soap I feel like using for the day. I own the headslick product but really I don't find it any more effective than my shave soaps and seems to not rinse out as easily of the blades as my shave soap does.
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